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HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini

Getting help for borderline personality disorder

Whai āwhina mō te māuiui whakatangata

If you feel you aren't coping with your borderline personality disorder (BPD), see your general practice team. If they think it's necessary, they might refer you to a counsellor or therapist. You can also find a counsellor, therapist or psychiatrist yourself in the Family Services Directory.

You can go to the Canterbury Mental Health Education and Resource Centre (MHERC). It provides information, education and support within Canterbury and the West Coast to people with mental health and addiction issues, whānau (families), caregivers, agencies and the community.

Very rarely, some people may need to be referred by their general practice team to Specialist Mental Health Services.

Some people may qualify to attend Mindwise. Mindwise is a 12-week programme that is run by the Stepping Stone Trust. This programme helps people with BPD to better manage their emotions and relationships.

Doctors do not usually prescribe medications to people with BPD. But some people may need them short-term or to treat other mental health disorders such as depression.

On the next page: Supporting someone with borderline personality disorder

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed May 2023.


Page reference: 503522

Review key: HIBPD-503517