Depression in older people
Pāpōuri ki ngā pakeke
At times, suicide might seem like a solution to depression. If you or a friend is considering acting on suicidal thoughts and needs help, phone the Depression Helpline on 0800‑111‑757 or txt 4202 (available 24/7), or phone Lifeline 0800‑543‑354 (available 24/7). Or you can contact your local mental health crisis team on 0800‑757‑678.
Depression is not a normal part of ageing, and it is not a character weakness. It's a medical illness for which there are effective treatments, no matter what your age.
The symptoms of depression in older people can be similar to dementia and other physical illnesses, and a medical assessment is always recommended. Some illnesses that affect older people (for example, stroke and Parkinson disease) can put older people more at risk of depression, as can social factors such as isolation, loneliness, lack of independence, income and self-worth.
You may like to try this online test for depression.
Often, older people with depression do not seek help, but depression is much easier to deal with if it's dealt with quickly. It helps to understand what can cause it and ways of getting through it.
Talk to your general practice team about how you're feeling. Remember that talking about your mental health is no different than talking about a physical problem. You may need to have several appointments in case your doctor needs to rule out other conditions.
In some cases, your doctor might advise referral to a specific service for older people. They may even send someone out to your home to talk with you.
Self-care for depression in older people
- Read about self-care for depression. This includes enjoyable physical activity, eating and sleeping well, staying social, joining a support group and much more. Ask your general practice team or Age Concern for help with finding a support group, social group or exercise group to join.
- Read about ways of getting help for depression. These include online courses, talking therapy, medications and specialist therapies.
- Being lonely and separated from others can make you feel depressed. Read more about how to overcome loneliness and social isolation.
- Sometimes older people become depressed because they're experiencing abuse or neglect. Read more about elder abuse & neglect and whether you might be experiencing it.
Phone lines
There is always someone to call if you're struggling:
- 1737, need to talk? – Phone 1737 or 0800-1737-1737 or txt 1737 (available 24/7). Trained counsellors who can talk you through your problems and suggest help in your area.
- Depression Helpline – Phone 0800-111-757 or txt 4202 (available 24/7). Trained counsellors who can talk you through your problems and suggest help in your area.
- Lifeline – Phone 0800-543-354 (available 24/7). Free confidential professional counselling service.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed May 2023.
The information in this section comes from the following sources, some of which may be clinically complex or not available to the general public
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Parent Help
Image and embedded video sources
I had a black dog, his name was depression video from the World Health Organization on YouTube.
Image of a man comforting another man from Shutterstock (image ID 193978430). September 2014.
Image of hands from Shutterstock (image ID 645259273). May 2019.
Image of man with his head in his hands from Shutterstock (image ID 1061395643). February 2023.
Image of mother and daughter from Shutterstock (image ID 765513991). February 2019.
Image of pensive person from Shutterstock (image ID 1123201907). May 2019.
Image of two women chatting from Shutterstock (image ID 1349137898). May 2019.
Living with a black dog video from the World Health Organization on YouTube.
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