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HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini

Getting help for stress

Whai āwhina mō te pōkaikaha

The following people and organisations may be able to help you with stress.

Friends, whānau (family) and others

Start talking to the people around you. You may be surprised at how they can help.

New Zealanders often feel that stress is a sign of weakness, and they are the only ones struggling. But mostly this is not true.

Talk to your friends, whānau (family), sporting coaches and the leaders in your faith community. Also, your workmates and your spouse. Everyone finds life challenging at times. The more you talk to others, the more you will realise this.

Try to choose people who are supportive, kind and non-judgemental. They might be able to offer some insights. This might make it easier for you to manage. Take a risk with the people in your life and open up.

General practice team

Your general practice team can offer support and advice with managing stress. They can help you work out if the self-care tips in this section can help. They can also tell you if you need some help from mental health professionals or medication.

Counsellor or psychologist

Despite making changes, you may still be finding it difficult to cope. If so, you might consider paying to see a private counsellor or psychologist. You can find a counsellor or therapist through the Family Services Directory. Or your general practice team might be able to help you find options that suit your budget.

Other health professionals

Some other health professionals have an interest in helping with stress management. These include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians and chiropractors.

Online help

Phone helplines

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2023.


Page reference: 111608

Review key: HISTS-111503