HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini
If you're concerned that someone might act on a suicide plan, take action IMMEDIATELY to keep them safe.
Here are some things you can do or say if you think someone close to you may be suicidal:
Talk to the person. It isn't true that talking to a person about suicide means they're more likely to attempt suicide. It's more likely that the person will be grateful that you'll help them. Ask directly: "I'm frightened that you're thinking about killing yourself. Is this true?"
Try other things to say, for example:
Remind people of the positive things in their life and give them hope.
Remove any objects that could be used to attempt suicide.
Don't leave the person alone – get help.
Listen without judgement – don't get angry or minimise the problem.
If someone pushes you away and you're still frightened that they're at risk of suicide, the right thing to do is to get help for them. You don't have to worry about confidentiality or their wishes if you're concerned they may kill themselves. There's only so much you can do alone. It's OK to ask for professionals to help you.
There are many people and organisations that can help your friend or whānau/family member. Contact the one that's easiest for you.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Information about how to help someone who is at risk of suicide, including situations that may increase the risk of someone attempting suicide.
This downloadable booklet has help and advice with a Māori perspective for whānau who are supporting someone in crisis or distress.
Help and advice for Pasifika people affected by suicide or worried that they or someone they know may attempt suicide.
Chinese-language resources developed by Kai Xin Xing Dong, which works to counter stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness in Chinese communities.
On the next page: Support after a suicide attempt (for family & friends)
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2020.
Review key: HISUH-48714