HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini
If you have depression, you may feel like lots of things are hard and out of your control. This is normal but making small changes in your life can help you manage depression.
Making change is a positive step and you'll need to stick it out before you start to feel better. Keep in mind that there isn't one solution, but a variety of techniques that'll make a difference.
Read below for some suggested small changes you may wish to try.
Being physically active in a way you enjoy can make you feel better. Regular exercise is as effective as medication in treating mild to moderate depression. Starting to be more active can be daunting when you're suffering from depression. Start small and think about giving yourself a plan to stick to. Physical activity doesn't mean you have to join a gym. It can be as simple as taking a walk or being more active around your home, such as mowing the lawns or cleaning. As you start to feel better, you can gradually increase the time and intensity of your activity. You could talk to your GP about a Green Prescription to get more physically active.
Despite your best efforts, depression can make it hard to sleep well. It helps to get to bed at a reasonable hour and to minimise distractions. You can find more tips for sleeping well on HealthInfo.
You may need some medication to help you sleep in the short term. Talk to your GP or psychiatrist about this.
It can be tempting to use alcohol or recreational drugs to help with symptoms of depression. In the long term, alcohol and drugs will make your mood worse, or cause more problems to develop. Sometimes, it's hard to stop using alcohol or drugs without some professional help. If this is your situation, talk to your GP about drug and alcohol counselling, or contact the Alcohol Drug Helpline on 0800-787-797.
Eating well helps your brain recover from depression. For a range of healthy eating resources and recipes, see this page.
Staying connected to friends and family will help you recover from depression. Even a small amount of social contact daily is enough, until you're ready for more. See for more ideas about how to stay connected.
The Mental Health Education and Resource Centre Trust (MHERC) provides information, education and support within the West Coast district to people with mental health and addiction issues.
The West Coast Primary Health Organisation can provide information about local support groups and resources. Phone (03) 768-1170.
Relaxing more and reducing stress will improve your mood and energy levels.
Try these relaxation techniques to relieve muscle tension and help control your breathing.
You can borrow relaxation tapes and music from your library or MHERC. You can also use the online guided meditation from CALM Auckland.
Mindfulness may also be helpful. It's a mental discipline that helps connect you to the here-and-now and regain control. The Smiling Mind app is an excellent free resource to get you started with mindfulness.
You may also want to consider a Yoga or meditation class.
Plan one fun thing every day. You may have to force yourself to do it and it may not feel much fun at the time but that’s normal. Activities that you've enjoyed in the past are likely to bring some enjoyment again. Simply choosing to get out and do something can make a difference. It can help to bring structure to your day. This list of healing activities for depression will give you some ideas about activities worth considering.
Having a strong sense of your own identity and where you belong is an important part of wellbeing.
Self reflection and connecting with people and places that are important to you can give your life added meaning and direction.
You may want to talk to a spiritual advisor such as a church leader or tohunga.
"Alternative" and "complementary" are words used for a wide range of healthcare products and therapies outside of mainstream conventional medicine.
Talk with your general practice team, pharmacist or other health professional before taking supplements, alternative medicines, over-the-counter medicines or getting alternative therapy, to make sure it's safe for you and will not interact with your other medications or treatments. can help you decide if alternative therapies could be helpful for your depression.
Also see this specific advice about St John's wort as a depression treatment.
Depression often goes hand in hand with anxiety. There are many ways to reduce anxiety with self-care and by getting help.
There's always someone to call if you're struggling:
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
New Zealand Ministry of Health website, guided by John Kirwan, includes a telephone helpline.
A New Zealand website with information for younger people about depression and how to get help.
On the next page: Getting help with depression
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed April 2020.
Review key: HIDEP-48681