HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini
An intrauterine device (IUD) is a plastic and copper device that's placed in your womb through the natural opening in your cervix at the top of your vagina. It works by stopping sperm reaching your egg and may also stop a fertilised egg implanting in your uterus. It doesn't contain any hormones.
An intrauterine system (IUS, Mirena or Jaydess) is a plastic IUD that also releases a small amount of the hormone progestogen into your womb. This thins the lining of your womb and thickens your cervical mucus, so that an egg can't be fertilised or implant into your womb and grow. It prevents some women from ovulating (releasing eggs).
Because an IUS thins your womb lining, most women using one have much lighter periods or no bleeding at all. This means it can also be used to control heavy periods.
An IUD can be inserted as emergency contraception up to five days after unprotected sex. This is the recommended option for women who weigh over 70 kg.
An IUD or IUS is effective for at least three to five years and you can get it taken out at any time. It's a suitable long-term contraception for most women.
These devices are funded for all women but you need to pay the cost of having them fitted or removed. If you meet the criteria there is a subsidy for this.
A trained GP, practice nurse or gynaecologist fits an IUD or IUS in a simple procedure. See Inserting an IUD or IUS (Mirena or Jaydess) for details of how this is done.
A IUD can cause cramps, and heavier periods.
An IUS may give you irregular, or light periods.
Very rarely there can be a problem when the IUD or IUS is inserted. Also rarely, the device can fall out without you noticing.
You can check if the device is still present by feeling for the soft strings that sit in the top of your vagina.
See your GP to find out if an IUD or IUS is right for you. If you're younger than 25, sexual health visits may be free. Ask if you're eligible when you make your appointment.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
This page explains the difference between a standard IUD and a IUS and how both of them work.
On the next page: Inserting an IUD or IUS
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed February 2019. Last updated November 2019.
Review key: HICAS-53138