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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Varicose eczema

Mate harehare ā-waewae

Varicose eczema is the term used to describe the changes to your skin caused by venous insufficiency. It's also called venous eczema. It's a long-term condition that affects your lower legs.

Symptoms of varicose eczema include pain, itching, changes to your skin colour and swelling. The skin on your legs can get red, dry and itchy, and possibly scaly, crusty or weeping.

Treating varicose eczema

Treatment options usually include moisturisers, medication and reducing the swelling. You should also take care to avoid injuring your skin.

Your general practice team or district nurse might be involved in your treatment. If in doubt, ask them to look at your varicose eczema, especially if you think your skin could be infected or if you have an ulcer or break in your skin.

You might also need treating for varicose veins.

Using moisturisers and medication

This includes:

Reducing the swelling

To reduce the swelling, you need to:

Your doctor or nurse may also advise you to wear compression stockings to help the blood flow in your legs and reduce the swelling.

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Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed August 2022.


Page reference: 404065

Review key: HIBLV-403653