Treats & rewards for children
Ngā hari me ngā utu mō ngā tamariki
When we give children treats or rewards, they're often food-related, such as lollies, chocolate, ice cream or their favourite takeaway. To encourage healthy habits, it's better to provide non-food-related rewards. Encourage whānau/family to do the same.
Treat and reward ideas for preschoolers
- Dance with them to their favourite music.
- Spend time with them doing their favourite activity.
- Take a bike ride together.
- Read them their favourite book.
- Let them draw with chalk on the concrete.
- Buy them new crayons, pencils or a colouring book.
- Buy them a matchbox car.
- Buy them balloons or bubbles to blow.
- Buy them new stickers
Treat and reward ideas for school children
- Extend their bedtime or reading time.
- Play a board game or card game together.
- Take a bike ride together.
- Let them have a friend stay over for the night.
- Take them to their favourite park for a play or game.
- Buy them new stickers or stamps.
- Buy them new hair ties or ribbons.
- Buy them a hula hoop, hacky sack or skipping rope.
- Buy them some bulbs, seeds or plants to grow.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed September 2021.
Image courtesy of arztsamui at
Page reference: 240931
Review key: HIHEC-62690