
How to get medical help
Emergency medical help
Calling 111 for an ambulance
Christchurch Emergency Department
After-hours medical care
After-hours medical care in Ashburton
Acute admission to General Surgery
Blood tests & laboratory information
Choosing your medical care wisely
Christchurch Hospital parking
Financial support for health costs
General practice teams
Free GP care for resettled refugees
Patient portals
Practice nurses
Preparing for your doctor's visit
Seeing another general practice team
Telehealth (virtual consultations)
Taking photos for telehealth
Zero fees for under-14s
Getting help for teeth & gum problems
Eligibility of children for free dental care
Dental care for babies & under 5s
Dental care for school children
Dental care for teenagers
Dental care for adults
Subsidised dental care for adults on low incomes
Dental care for people with special needs
Urgent dental care
Getting medical help if you are new to Canterbury
Helplines for mental health issues
New Zealand healthcare system
Quarantine & isolation
Support for people affected by the Christchurch mosque attacks
Urgent care at home (Acute Demand)
What health professionals do
Audiologists & audiometrists
Community mental health support workers
Mental health professionals
Practice nurses
Occupational therapists
Funded physiotherapy treatment
Social workers
Speech-language therapists
When to see a speech-language therapist
About HealthInfo
How to use HealthInfo
HealthInfo clinical advisers
HealthInfo districts
Mobile-friendly HealthInfo
What's new on HealthInfo?
Information for health professionals
Contributor guidelines
HealthInfo content strategy
HealthInfo review process
Tips for using HealthInfo for health professionals
Your health information
Care plans
Acute plans
Personalised care plans
Advance care planning (ACP)
Medical care guidance plan
Electronic request management system (ERMS)
National Health Index (NHI) numbers
Privacy and your health information
Confidentiality (health privacy) for teens & young adults
Your health passport
Your health rights
A-Z health topics
Emergencies & first aid
Emergency medical help
Calling 111 for an ambulance
Christchurch Emergency Department
First aid
Achilles tendon rupture first aid
Alcohol poisoning
Anaphylaxis (severe allergy)
Asthma emergency
Bites & stings
Breathing difficulties
Broken bones first aid
Burns first aid
Chemical poisoning
Chemicals in the eye
Chest pain first aid
CPR (resuscitation) for adults & children
CPR (resuscitation) for babies (0 to 1 year)
Cuts, scrapes & wounds first aid
Dislocated joints first aid
Drug overdose
Foreign object in the ear
Foreign object in the eye
Foreign object in the nose
Funny turns or fainting
Ways to prevent fainting & light-headedness
Head injury first aid
Heat exhaustion & heat stroke
Heavy bleeding
Nosebleed first aid
Seizure first aid
Soft tissue injuries & treatment
Stroke first aid
Unconscious but breathing
Health conditions
Overview of allergies
Allergy testing
Self-care for allergies
Types of allergies
Allergic contact dermatitis
Anaphylaxis (severe allergy)
Angioedema (facial swelling)
Food allergies
Preventing food allergies
Food intolerance
Hay fever
Hives (urticaria)
Oral allergy syndrome
Assault & abuse
Child abuse & neglect
Elder abuse & neglect
Emotional & physical abuse in teens & young adults
Family violence
Referral & support agencies (assault)
Sexual behaviour in children and teenagers
Sexual harm
Bladder, kidney & urinary system
Bladder cancer
Overview of your kidneys
Looking after your kidneys
Kidney failure
Acute kidney injury
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Overview of chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Causes of CKD
Common causes of CKD
Diabetes & kidney disease
High blood pressure & kidney disease
Polycystic kidney disease
Urinary reflux
Treating CKD
Eating well with chronic kidney disease
Medicines used in kidney disease
Kidney cancer (renal cancer)
Kidney problems in children
Kidney stones
Preventing kidney stones
Pyelonephritis (kidney infection)
Urinary system
Overview of your urinary system
Urinary system problems
Bladder control problems (urinary incontinence)
Blood in the urine (haematuria)
Overactive bladder (irritable bladder)
Painful bladder syndrome (interstitial cystitis)
Urinary reflux
Urine infections (cystitis)
Urinary problems in children
Bedwetting in children
Daytime wetting in children
Urine infection (UTI) in children
Treating urinary system problems
Bladder retraining
Pelvic floor
Pelvic floor muscles
Pelvic floor exercises for men
Pelvic floor exercises for women
Urinary catheters
Trial without catheter (trial of void)
Penis health
Overview of your penis
Erection problems (erectile dysfunction)
Penis problems
Penis & foreskin problems in boys
Tightness of the foreskin (phimosis)
Circumcision in boys
Overview of the prostate
Prostate enlargement
Prostate surgery (TURP)
Prostate cancer
Overview of prostate cancer
Treating prostate cancer
PSA test
Prostate biopsy
Testicles & scrotum
Overview of your testicles & scrotum
Infection of the testicles (epididymo-orchitis)
Testicular cancer
Lumps, swelling & pain of the testicles & scrotum
What blood is made of
Overview of anaemia
Folic acid deficiency anaemia
Low iron & iron deficiency anaemia
How to get your daily iron
Iron-rich meal ideas
Taking iron supplements
Intravenous (IV) iron
Vitamin B12 deficiency & pernicious anaemia
Eating well to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency
Bleeding disorders
Treating haemophilia
Von Willebrand disease
Blood cancers
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Blood clotting disorders
Blood-thinning medicines
Food choices & warfarin
Warfarin monitoring
Blood transfusions
Deep vein thrombosis & pulmonary embolism
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Pulmonary embolism (PE)
Reducing your risk of a DVT or PE
Essential thrombocythaemia (high platelets)
Iron overload (haemochromatosis)
Low platelets (thrombocytopenia)
Primary polycythaemia (high red blood cells)
Splenectomy & hyposplenism
Blood vessels
Overview of blood vessels
Problems with arteries
Types of aneurysms
Aortic dissection
Peripheral vascular disease
Overview of peripheral vascular disease
Acute limb ischaemia
Critical limb ischaemia
Intermittent claudication
Problems with veins
Venous insufficiency
Varicose eczema
Varicose veins
Raynaud syndrome
Tests for blood vessel problems
Treating blood vessel problems
Compression stockings
Bones & joints
Arthritis & related disorders
Ankylosing spondylitis
Arthritis (osteoarthritis)
Overview of osteoarthritis
Self-care for osteoarthritis
Treating osteoarthritis
Exercise videos for hip and knee osteoarthritis
Aids for people with osteoarthritis
Mobility action programme for osteoarthritis
Online mobility action programme for osteoarthritis
Foot & ankle arthritis
Overview of foot & ankle arthritis
Self-care for foot & ankle arthritis
Treating foot & ankle arthritis
Thumb arthritis
Overview of thumb arthritis
Self-care for thumb arthritis
Baker's cyst (popliteal cyst)
Conserving energy
Overview of fibromyalgia
Self-care with fibromyalgia
Being active with fibromyalgia
Giant cell arteritis (GCA)
Overview of gout
Self-care for gout
Joint infection (septic arthritis)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus)
Medications for inflammatory arthritis
Biologics (TNF inhibitors)
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)
Rheumatoid & psoriatic arthritis
Sjögren's syndrome
Bone & joint problems
Broken bones (fractures)
Ankles & feet
Achilles tendon
Achilles tendinopathy
Ruptured Achilles tendon
Recovery after a ruptured Achilles tendon
Broken ankle (fractured ankle)
Broken foot (fractured metatarsal)
Foot & ankle arthritis
Overview of foot & ankle arthritis
Self-care for foot & ankle arthritis
Treating foot & ankle arthritis
Sprained ankle
Back & neck
Low back pain
Overview of low back pain
Preventing low back pain
Self-care for low back pain
Getting help for low back pain
Neck pain
Spinal injuries
Overview of spinal injuries
Diagnosing spinal injuries
Treating spinal injuries
Vertebral compression fracture
Hips & legs
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury
Overview of an ACL injury
Treating an ACL injury
Surgery for an ACL injury
Broken hip (fractured neck of femur)
Broken lower leg (fractured tibia or fibula)
Treating a broken lower leg
Broken knee
Self-care for a broken knee
Broken kneecap (fractured patella)
Surgery for a broken kneecap
Dislocated kneecap (dislocated patella)
Hip & groin pain
Overview of hip & groin pain
Groin strains
Hip labral tears
Hip & knee replacement
Overview of hip & knee replacement
Hip & knee replacement surgery
Joint replacement surgery videos
Knee injuries
Knee pain in adults
Leg cramp
Shin pain
Ribs & breastbone
Rib injuries
Shoulders & arms
AC joint injuries
Broken collar bone (fractured clavicle)
Broken elbow (olecranon fracture)
Treating a broken elbow (olecranon)
Broken forearm
Treating a broken forearm
Broken neck of the humerus
Broken radial head
Treating a broken radial head
Common shoulder problems
Painful shoulders
Exercises for your shoulders
Frozen shoulder
Unstable shoulders & dislocations
Rotator cuff problems
Tennis & golfer's elbow
Care of your arm & hand while in a wrist cast
Wrists & hands
Broken finger
Surgery for a broken finger
Broken hand bones
Surgery for a broken hand
Broken wrist
Surgery for a broken wrist
Care of your wrist & hand following a fracture
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Overview of carpal tunnel syndrome
Treating carpal tunnel syndrome
Surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome
Before & after surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome
Recovery after carpal tunnel surgery
De Quervain's tenosynovitis
Overview of de Quervain's tenosynovitis
Treating de Quervain's tenosynovitis
Surgery for de Quervain's tenosynovitis
Before & after surgery for de Quervain's tenosynovitis
Dupuytren contracture
Overview of Dupuytren contracture
Treating Dupuytren contracture
Before & after surgery for Dupuytren contracture
Recovering from surgery for Dupuytren contracture
Ganglion cyst
Mallet finger
Gradual removal of a mallet splint
Thumb arthritis
Overview of thumb arthritis
Self-care for thumb arthritis
Trigger finger
Treating trigger finger
Ulnar nerve compression
Overview of ulnar nerve compression
Treating ulnar nerve compression
Surgery for ulnar nerve compression
Recovering from surgery for ulnar nerve compression
Funded physiotherapy treatment
Children's bones & joints
Bone pain in children
Broken bones (fractures)
Ankles & feet (children)
Club foot
Curly toes
Pigeon toes (intoeing)
Sever's disease
Toe walking
Exercises for toe walking
Growth plate injuries
Overview of growth plates
Helping my child with a growth plate injury
Hips & legs (children)
Bow legs
Developmental hip dysplasia
Treating DDH using a harness
Knee pain in children
Limping in children
Perthes disease
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUFE)
Scoliosis in children
Overview of scoliosis in children
Treating scoliosis in children
Shoulders & arms (children)
Broken collar bone in children
Broken elbow in children
Overview of broken elbows in children
Treating broken elbows in children
Common types of elbow fractures in children
Broken forearm in children
Pulled elbow
Wrists & hands (children)
Trigger thumb
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS)
Living with an injury
ACC help after an injury
Self-care after an injury
Care of your cast
Deep vein thrombosis & plaster casts
Driving with an injury
Flying in a cast
Soft tissue injuries & treatment
Using crutches (non-weight-bearing)
Using crutches (weight-bearing)
Living with long-term (chronic) joint pain
Helping myself with long-term (chronic) joint pain
Pain relief for long-term (chronic) joint pain & arthritis
Steroid injections
Overview of osteoporosis
Reducing your risk of osteoporosis
Self-care for osteoporosis
Treating osteoporosis
Eating well for strong healthy bones
How to get your daily vitamin D
Zoledronate infusion
Strengthening exercises
Lower limb strengthening exercises
Upper limb strengthening exercises
Brain & nerves
Bell's palsy
Head injuries & concussion
Head injuries in adults
Concussion in adults
Head injuries in children
Head injury first aid
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Overview of carpal tunnel syndrome
Treating carpal tunnel syndrome
Surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome
Before & after surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome
Recovery after carpal tunnel surgery
ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome)
Overview of ME/CFS
Diagnosing & self-care for ME/CFS
Community groups for communication difficulties
Essential tremor
Functional neurological disorder (FND)
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Headaches & migraines in adults
Headaches & migraines in children
Motor neurone disease
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Overview of multiple sclerosis (MS)
Self-care for multiple sclerosis (MS)
Pain after shingles (postherpetic neuralgia)
Parkinson disease
Peripheral neuropathy
Restless legs syndrome
Overview of stroke
Self-care after a stroke
Tests for nervous system problems
Transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
Trigeminal neuralgia
Overview of cancer
Reducing my risk of cancer
Inherited cancer & BRCA genes
Alternative therapies for cancer
Types of cancer
Bladder cancer
Bowel cancer
Overview of bowel cancer
Reducing your risk of bowel cancer
National Bowel Screening Programme
Breast cancer
Overview of breast cancer
Reducing your risk of breast cancer
Breast screening (mammography)
Self-care after breast cancer
Treating breast cancer
Breast cancer surgery
Breast biopsy
Therapeutic mammoplasty
Cancer of the uterus
Cervical screening
Follow up after an abnormal cervical screening result
Cervical cancer
HPV vaccine (Gardasil)
Cervical polyps
Kidney cancer (renal cancer)
Lung cancer
Mouth cancer
Ovarian cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Prostate cancer
Overview of prostate cancer
Treating prostate cancer
PSA test
Prostate biopsy
Skin cancer
Overview of skin cancers
Finding and preventing skin cancers
Melanoma skin cancers
Overview of melanoma
Diagnosing melanoma
Treating melanoma
Self-care with melanoma
Non-melanoma skin cancers
Precancerous & noncancerous skin lesions
Removal (excision) or biopsy of a skin lesion
Testicular cancer
Thyroid cancer
Radioiodine for thyroid cancer
Chronic (persistent) pain
Overview of chronic pain
Frequently asked questions about chronic pain
Self-care for chronic pain
Medication for chronic pain
Chronic pain in children & teens
Overview of diabetes
Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Complications of diabetes
Overview of diabetes complications
Diabetes & your eyes
Overview of diabetes & your eyes
Diabetes eye checks (retinal screening)
Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetes & feet
Self-care for your feet
Canterbury High Risk Diabetic Foot Service
Diabetes & kidney disease
Diabetic nerve damage (neuropathy)
Diabetes & your risk of heart attack or stroke
Self-care for diabetes
Alcohol & diabetes
Driving with diabetes
Eating well with diabetes
Shopping guide for eating well
Blood glucose (sugar) self-monitoring
Low blood glucose (hypoglycaemia)
Guidelines for giving glucagon
Managing diabetes when you are sick
Managing insulin
Overview of insulin
Injecting insulin
Insulin pumps
Storing & handling insulin
Diabetes equipment
Managing insulin when you are sick
Recreational drugs & diabetes
Safe sharps disposal
Travelling with diabetes
Foot care when travelling
Travel checklist for people with diabetes
Getting help with diabetes
Canterbury diabetes services & support
Diabetes group education classes
Diabetes Centre Psychological Services
Diabetes in pregnancy
Online education for diabetes in pregnancy (gestational diabetes)
Diabetes in children & teens
Ear, nose & throat
Audiologists & audiometrists
Broken nose
Caring for your broken nose after surgery
Cochlear implant
Ear problems
Blocked ears (Eustachian tube dysfunction)
Middle-ear infections (otitis media)
Glue ear (otitis media with effusion)
Grommets (ventilation tubes)
Outer ear infection (otitis externa)
Waxy ears
Hearing loss in adults
Treating hearing loss in adults
Hearing loss in children
Hoarse or lost voice (laryngitis)
Lump in the throat (globus sensation)
Neck lumps
Nosebleed first aid
Prominent ear surgery (otoplasty)
Overview of sinusitis (sinus infection or inflammation)
Long-term sinusitis
Nasal saline rinse
Sore throats & tonsillitis
Sore throat
Overview of vertigo
Treating vertigo
Self-care for vertigo
Exercises for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
Canterbury Eye Clinic
Overview of cataracts
Treating cataracts
Chalazion (meibomian cyst)
Treating conjunctivitis
Diabetes & your eyes
Overview of diabetes & your eyes
Diabetes eye checks (retinal screening)
Diabetic retinopathy
Dry eyes
Eye drops & eye ointment
Eyelid inflammation (blepharitis)
Floaters, flashes & retinal detachment
Floaters & flashes
Retinal detachment
Giant cell arteritis (GCA)
Low vision & blindness
Overview of low vision & blindness
Getting help for low vision & blindness
Self-care for low vision & blindness
Macular degeneration
Pterygium & pinguecula
Subconjunctival haemorrhage (bleeding in the white of your eye)
Sudden vision loss in one eye
Thyroid eye disease
Vision problems
Childhood vision problems
Screening eye checks for children
Eye examinations for children
Lazy eye (amblyopia)
Squint (childhood strabismus)
Long-sightedness (hyperopia)
Long-sightedness with ageing (presbyopia)
Short-sightedness (myopia)
Surgery to improve vision (refractive surgery)
Watery eyes
Feet & foot problems
Broken foot (fractured metatarsal)
Broken toe (fractured toe)
Corns & calluses
Diabetes & feet
Self-care for your feet
Canterbury High Risk Diabetic Foot Service
Flat feet
Foot & ankle arthritis
Overview of foot & ankle arthritis
Self-care for foot & ankle arthritis
Treating foot & ankle arthritis
Foot & ankle orthotics
Foot problems & care in older people
Fungal nail infections
Heel & foot pain (plantar fasciitis)
Ingrown toenail
Mallet toe
Morton's neuroma
Overlapping toes
Pain in the ball of your foot (metatarsalgia)
Stress fractures of the foot
Stretches for your ankles & feet
Warts & verrucas
Heart risk assessment
Angina (chest pain)
Overview of angina (chest pain)
Self-care for angina
Preventing angina and heart attacks
Atrial fibrillation (AF)
Treating atrial fibrillation (AF)
Funny turns or fainting
Ways to prevent fainting & light-headedness
Heart attack
Overview of heart attack
Self-care after a heart attack
Preventing angina and heart attacks
Heart failure
Overview of heart failure
Treating heart failure
Self-care for heart failure
Conserving energy
Advanced heart failure
Heart murmurs & heart valve problems in adults
Heart murmurs in children
Heart palpitations
Extra beats (ectopic beats)
Fast heartbeat caused by SVT
Heart treatments
Medicines for your heart
Heart treatments & procedures
Heart bypass & valve surgery
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Overview of high blood pressure
Self-care for high blood pressure
Measuring your blood pressure at home
Medicines for lowering blood pressure
High cholesterol
Cholesterol-lowering medicines
High triglycerides
Lowering your triglyceride levels
Infective endocarditis
Inherited heart diseases
Tests for heart problems
Addison's disease
Diabetes insipidus
Hyperparathyroidism (excess parathyroid hormone)
Low testosterone
Prednisone (oral steroids)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Overview of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Treating polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Eating well with polycystic ovary syndrome
Prolactin & prolactinomas
Goitre (enlarged thyroid gland)
Radionuclide thyroid scan
Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
Treating an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
Radioiodine for thyroid cancer
Radioiodine for thyrotoxicosis (overactive thyroid)
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid disease in pregnancy
Thyroid eye disease
Thyroid nodules
Thyroiditis (inflamed thyroid)
Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
Infectious diseases
Eating and drinking when you are unwell
Airway (respiratory) infections
Acute bronchitis (chest infection)
Colds & sinusitis
Colds in children
Colds in adults
Overview of sinusitis (sinus infection or inflammation)
Nasal saline rinse
COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)
Overview of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)
Flu (influenza)
Flu (influenza) vaccinations
Legionnaires' disease (legionellosis)
Pneumonia (lung infection)
Sore throat
Tuberculosis (TB)
BCG (TB) vaccination
Whooping cough (pertussis)
Whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women
Overview of antibiotics
Why you do not need antibiotics for your infection
Antibiotic-resistant infections
Overview of antibiotic-resistant infections
CPE (carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae)
ESBL (extended-spectrum beta-lactamases)
MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococci)
Skin decolonisation
Cold sores
Treating conjunctivitis
Diarrhoea & vomiting (gastroenteritis)
Diarrhoea & vomiting in adults (gastroenteritis)
Diarrhoea & vomiting in children (gastroenteritis)
Clostridium difficile infection (CDI)
E. coli
Glandular fever
Haemophilus influenzae (Hib)
Hand, foot & mouth disease
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Infective endocarditis
Meningitis & meningococcal disease
Meningococcal disease
Notifiable diseases & hazard reporting
Quarantine & isolation
Rheumatic fever & rheumatic heart disease
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Overview of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Genital herpes
Genital warts
Hepatitis B
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Pubic lice
Telling your sexual partner (partner notification)
Trichomonas infection
Skin infections
Overview of skin infections
Boils & skin abscesses
Impetigo (school sores)
Molluscum contagiosum
Oral thrush
Overview of scabies
Getting rid of scabies
Staphylococcus skin infections
Overview of Staphylococcus skin infections
Preventing & treating recurrent Staphylococcal skin infections
Skin decolonisation
Slapped cheek
Zika virus
Liver & gallbladder
Fatty liver disease
Self-care for MASLD
Gallbladder & gallstones
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Liver failure & cirrhosis
Understanding your liver function results
Airway (respiratory) infections
Acute bronchitis (chest infection)
Colds & sinusitis
Colds in children
Colds in adults
Overview of sinusitis (sinus infection or inflammation)
Nasal saline rinse
COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)
Overview of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)
Flu (influenza)
Flu (influenza) vaccinations
Legionnaires' disease (legionellosis)
Pneumonia (lung infection)
Sore throat
Tuberculosis (TB)
BCG (TB) vaccination
Whooping cough (pertussis)
Whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women
Asthma in adults
Overview of asthma in adults
Treating asthma in adults
Self-care for asthma
Asthma emergency
Using a spacer
Asthma in children
Overview of asthma in children
Helping your child with asthma
Asthma medications for children
Using a spacer
Asthma in pregnancy
Asthma in teens & young adults
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Overview of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Self-care for COPD
COPD medications
Getting help with COPD
Advanced COPD
Conserving energy
Collapsed lung (pneumothorax)
Coughing up blood (haemoptysis)
Cystic fibrosis
How to become smokefree
Quitting smoking
Medicines that help you quit
Second-hand smoke
Protect your children from second-hand smoke
Smoking in pregnancy
Smoking information for teens & young adults
Vaping to quit smoking
Lung cancer
Diagnosing & treating lung cancer
Lung fibrosis (pulmonary fibrosis)
Lung nodules
Persistent cough
Canterbury Better Breathing programme
Sexual health
Overview of sexual health
Contraception & sterilisation
Overview of contraception & sterilisation
Combined oral contraceptives
Contraceptive implant
Contraceptive injection (Depo-Provera)
Emergency contraceptive pill
Intrauterine devices & systems (IUDs & IUSs)
Inserting an IUD or IUS
Progesterone-only pill (POP)
Sterilisation for women
Penis health
Overview of your penis
Erection problems (erectile dysfunction)
Penis problems
Safer sex
Sex & intimacy in older people
Sex & long-term health conditions
Sexual Health Centre
Sexual health for teens & young adults
When you're thinking about having sex
Contraception for teens & young adults
Pregnancy information for teens & young adults
Support for young parents
Sexual health services for teens & young adults
Sexual health services in Canterbury
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Overview of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Genital herpes
Genital warts
Hepatitis B
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Pubic lice
Telling your sexual partner (partner notification)
Trichomonas infection
Testicles & scrotum
Overview of your testicles & scrotum
Infection of the testicles (epididymo-orchitis)
Testicular cancer
Lumps, swelling & pain of the testicles & scrotum
Vulva & vagina
Vaginal dryness
Using vaginal moisturisers & lubricants
Vulval & vaginal care
Vulval problems
Bacterial vaginosis (BV, gardnerella)
Bartholin's cysts
Vaginal thrush (candida)
Vulval lumps
Overview of acne
Self-care for acne
Treating acne
Treating severe acne with isotretinoin
Angular cheilitis
Dermatitis (eczema)
Overview of dermatitis (eczema)
Atopic eczema
Treating atopic eczema in adults
Treating atopic eczema in children
Allergic contact dermatitis
Irritant contact dermatitis
Seborrhoeic dermatitis & cradle cap
Burns first aid
Minor burns
Major burns
Preventing burns
Epidermoid & pilar cysts
Good food for wound healing
Protein-rich meal ideas
Hair loss (alopecia)
Hidradenitis suppurativa
Itching (pruritus)
Moisturisers (emollients)
Overview of psoriasis
Self-care for psoriasis
Treating psoriasis
Skin cancer
Overview of skin cancers
Finding and preventing skin cancers
Melanoma skin cancers
Overview of melanoma
Diagnosing melanoma
Treating melanoma
Self-care with melanoma
Non-melanoma skin cancers
Precancerous & noncancerous skin lesions
Removal (excision) or biopsy of a skin lesion
Skin grafts
Overview of skin grafts
Self-care for skin grafts
Caring for your dressings
Skin infections
Overview of skin infections
Boils & skin abscesses
Impetigo (school sores)
Molluscum contagiosum
Oral thrush
Overview of scabies
Getting rid of scabies
Staphylococcus skin infections
Overview of Staphylococcus skin infections
Preventing & treating recurrent Staphylococcal skin infections
Skin decolonisation
Skin surgery and wound care
Foot ulcers
Good food for wound healing
Protein-rich meal ideas
Helping my wound heal
Leg ulcers (venous)
Looking after your skin surgery wound
Pressure injuries
Risks & complications of skin surgery
Skin grafts
Overview of skin grafts
Self-care for skin grafts
Caring for your dressings
Overview of sleep
Tips for sleeping well
Leg cramp
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
Overview of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
Sleep assessment
CPAP therapy
Overview of CPAP therapy
CPAP trial
Long-term CPAP therapy
Mask fitting for CPAP therapy
Restless legs syndrome
Sleep advice for children
Sleep advice for teens
Speech & communication difficulties
Overview of aphasia
Helping someone with aphasia communicate
Apraxia of speech
Helping someone with dysarthria communicate
Communication strategies
Communicating with someone who cannot talk
Communicating with someone who cannot hear well
Finding & recalling words
Tips for better communication
Tips for reading, writing & using the phone
Tips for processing & recalling information
Tips for paying attention
Tips for looking after your voice
Community groups for communication difficulties
Speech & language delay or disorder
Overview of speech and language delay or disorder
Communication development ages & stages
Tips for helping your child's communication skills
Speech-language therapists
When to see a speech-language therapist
Stuttering in adults
Stuttering in children
Stuttering in teenagers
Stomach & bowel
Overview of your stomach & bowel
Anal fissure (tear)
Anorectal abscess
Bowel cancer
Overview of bowel cancer
Reducing your risk of bowel cancer
National Bowel Screening Programme
Bowel polyps
Bowel surgery
Coeliac disease
Overview of coeliac disease
Self-care for coeliac disease
Getting help for coeliac disease
Gluten-free diet for coeliac disease
Coeliac disease in children
Overview of coeliac disease in children
Helping your child live with coeliac disease
Diabetes & endoscopy
Constipation in adults
Overview of constipation
Self-care for constipation
Fibre & fluid for healthy bowels
Medicines for constipation (adults)
Constipation in babies
Constipation in children
Overview of constipation in children
Fibre & fluid for children
Diarrhoea & vomiting (gastroenteritis)
Diarrhoea & vomiting in adults (gastroenteritis)
Diarrhoea & vomiting in children (gastroenteritis)
Diverticular disease & diverticulitis
Overview of diverticular disease & diverticulitis
Eating guidelines for diverticulosis, diverticular disease & diverticulitis
Fibre & fluid for healthy bowels
Low-fibre diet
Haemorrhoids (piles)
Treating haemorrhoids (piles)
Heartburn and acid reflux in adults
Self-care for heartburn
Overview of abdominal hernia
Hernia repair surgery
After hernia repair surgery
Incidental pancreatic lesions
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Overview of IBD
Self-care for IBD
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Overview of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Self-care for IBS
Low-FODMAP diet
Group education on the low-FODMAP diet
Medications & supplements for IBS
Lactose intolerance
Self-care for lactose intolerance
Nausea & vomiting in adults
Pancreatic cancer
Peptic ulcers
H. pylori
Pilonidal disease
Vitamin B12 deficiency & pernicious anaemia
Eating well to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency
Swallowing difficulties (dysphagia)
Overview of swallowing difficulties (dysphagia)
Dietary suggestions for swallowing difficulties
Easy eating with thinking or memory difficulties (cognitive impairment)
Safe eating & drinking
Safe eating & drinking with facial weakness or numbness
Taking medicines when swallowing is difficult
Thickening fluids
Videofluoroscopic swallowing studies
Videofluoroscopic swallowing study for adults
Videofluoroscopic swallowing study for children
Teeth & mouth
Overview of teeth
Looking after teeth & gums
Preventing teeth & gum problems
Dental health in babies & children
Dental health in older people
Teeth & gum problems
Crooked teeth
Gum disease
Knocked-out teeth
Tooth decay
Teeth grinding
Self-care for teeth grinding
Wisdom teeth
Overview of wisdom teeth
Removing wisdom teeth
Recovery after having your wisdom teeth removed
Fixing teeth
Getting help for teeth & gum problems
Eligibility of children for free dental care
Dental care for babies & under 5s
Dental care for school children
Dental care for teenagers
Dental care for adults
Subsidised dental care for adults on low incomes
Dental care for people with special needs
Urgent dental care
Mouth care
Carer's guide to mouth care
Oral hygiene & saliva management
Mouth problems
Dry mouth
Mouth ulcers
Mouth cancer
Oral thrush
Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)
Overview of temporomandibular disorder (TMD)
Self-care for Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)
Weak immune system (immunosuppression)
Child health
Active children
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children
Overview of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children
Helping a child with ADHD
Anxiety in children
Overview of anxiety in children
Helping your child with anxiety
Getting help for my child with anxiety
Asthma in children
Overview of asthma in children
Helping your child with asthma
Asthma medications for children
Using a spacer
Cleft lip & palate
Constipation in babies
Overview of breastfeeding/chestfeeding
Starting to breastfeed/chestfeed
Getting help with breastfeeding/chestfeeding
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding issues
Breast fullness & breast engorgement
Expressing milk & using breast pumps
Storing & using breast milk
Mastitis (inflamed breasts)
Sore & cracked nipples
Medicines, alcohol, drugs & breastfeeding
Eating and lifestyle guidelines when pregnant and breastfeeding
Nutrients and supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Eating well when breastfeeding twins & triplets
Treating tongue-tie
Infant formulas
Preventing food allergies
Starting solids and feeding your baby
Flat head in babies (plagiocephaly)
Group B streptococcus in newborn babies
Jaundice in babies
Nappy rash
Pregnancy & parenting education (antenatal classes)
Safe sleeping for babies
Seborrhoeic dermatitis & cradle cap
Spilling (reflux) in babies
Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI)
Twisted neck in babies (torticollis)
Unsettled & crying babies
Overview of unsettled & crying babies
Helping your baby get settled
Bullying information for parents
Getting help if your child is being bullied
Cerebral palsy
Child abuse & neglect
Child development & growth
Overview of child development
Child development problems
Auditory processing disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children
Developmental delay
Learning difficulties
Sensory processing disorder
Community child development support services
Child health & development checks
B4 School Checks
Childhood vision problems
Lazy eye (amblyopia)
Squint (childhood strabismus)
Eye examinations for children
Children of parents with a mental illness or addiction
Children's bones & joints
Bone pain in children
Broken bones (fractures)
Ankles & feet (children)
Club foot
Curly toes
Pigeon toes (intoeing)
Sever's disease
Toe walking
Exercises for toe walking
Growth plate injuries
Overview of growth plates
Helping my child with a growth plate injury
Hips & legs (children)
Bow legs
Developmental hip dysplasia
Treating DDH using a harness
Knee pain in children
Limping in children
Perthes disease
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUFE)
Scoliosis in children
Overview of scoliosis in children
Treating scoliosis in children
Shoulders & arms (children)
Broken collar bone in children
Broken elbow in children
Overview of broken elbows in children
Treating broken elbows in children
Common types of elbow fractures in children
Broken forearm in children
Pulled elbow
Wrists & hands (children)
Trigger thumb
Coeliac disease in children
Overview of coeliac disease in children
Helping your child live with coeliac disease
Colds in children
Constipation in children
Overview of constipation in children
Fibre & fluid for children
Cough in children
Cystic fibrosis
Dental health in babies & children
Diabetes in children & teens
Diarrhoea & vomiting in children (gastroenteritis)
Eating well for children
Finding out if my child is a healthy weight
Healthy & active children
Parenting healthy & active children
Tips to help your child be healthy & active
Breakfast ideas for children
School lunches
Dinners for children
Snacking for children
Takeaway tips
Treats & rewards for children
Reading food labels
Meal planning & recipes
Fussy eating
Helping your child with fussy eating
Underweight children
Iron & your child
Iron-rich meal ideas for children
Feeding problems in children
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
Paediatric feeding disorder (PFD)
Fever (high temperature) in children
Overview of fever (high temperature) in children
Helping your child with fever (high temperature)
Febrile convulsions
Gender identity in young people
Overview of gender identity in young people
Gender dysphoria
Gender identity resources for whānau
Gender identity resources for schools & sport organisations
Support networks for transgender & gender diverse people & their whānau
Giving medicines to children
Head injuries in children
Head lice & nits
Headaches & migraines in children
Hearing loss in children
Heart murmurs in children
Impetigo (school sores)
Inguinal hernia in children
Keeping your child safe
Kidney problems in children
Meningitis & meningococcal disease
Meningococcal disease
Mesenteric adenitis
Molluscum contagiosum
Nosebleed first aid
Child (tamaiti) behaviour
Tips for Improving behaviour in tamariki (children)
Screen-time strategies
Support for parents
Penis & foreskin problems in boys
Tightness of the foreskin (phimosis)
Circumcision in boys
Protect your children from second-hand smoke
Rheumatic fever & rheumatic heart disease
Sleep advice for children
Sore bottoms in young girls
Sore throat
Speech & language delay or disorder
Overview of speech and language delay or disorder
Communication development ages & stages
Tips for helping your child's communication skills
Testicles & scrotum in boys
Overview of testicles and scrotum in boys
Undescended testicles (testes)
Sudden (acute) scrotum pain in boys
Tics & Tourette syndrome
Treating atopic eczema in children
Tube feeding for children
Overview of tube feeding for babies and children
Tube feeding with a gastrostomy tube for babies and children
Tube feeding with a nasogastric or nasojejunal tube for babies and children
Urinary problems in children
Bedwetting in children
Daytime wetting in children
Urine infection (UTI) in children
Vaccinations for preschool children
Vaccinations for older children and young adults
Whooping cough (pertussis)
Zero fees for under-14s
Living well & staying healthy
Alcohol & reducing your risks from drinking
Overview of alcohol & reducing your risks from drinking
Reducing your risks from drinking alcohol
Alcohol & older people
Alcohol use in teens & young adults
Helping your teen develop lower-risk drinking habits
Anger management
Eating well
Eating well for children
Finding out if my child is a healthy weight
Healthy & active children
Parenting healthy & active children
Tips to help your child be healthy & active
Breakfast ideas for children
School lunches
Dinners for children
Snacking for children
Takeaway tips
Treats & rewards for children
Reading food labels
Meal planning & recipes
Fussy eating
Helping your child with fussy eating
Underweight children
Iron & your child
Iron-rich meal ideas for children
Eating well for older people
Meals on Wheels
Healthy eating information
Carbohydrates, fats, & protein
Eating well for good health
How to cut down on sugar
How to eat more vegetables and fruit
How to get enough to drink
How to reduce your salt intake
Low-fat eating
Overview of dietary supplements
Plant-based eating
Potassium-rich foods
Quick easy meals
Shopping and cooking for one
Shopping guide for eating well
Should you be gluten-free?
Smart snacking for adults
The Mediterranean diet
Healthy weight information
Finding out if I am a healthy weight
How to gain weight
Tips to gain weight
How to overcome a poor appetite
Oral nutrition supplements
How to lose weight
Tips to help you lose weight
Eating well to lose weight
Being active to lose weight
Reading food labels
Support for food costs
Eating well videos
Body image
Drugs & reducing your risks from taking drugs
Finding and preventing skin cancers
Gender identity
Overview of gender identity
Gender dysphoria
Gender-affirming health care
Gender-affirming health services in Canterbury
Counselling & peer support for transgender & gender diverse people
Support networks for transgender & gender diverse people & their whānau
Gender identity in young people
Overview of gender identity in young people
Gender-affirming health care
Gender-affirming health services in Canterbury
Gender identity resources for schools & sport organisations
Gender identity resources for whānau
Hand hygiene
Healthy lifestyle programmes
Pae Ora Waitaha
Puāwai – Kai
Home & land contamination
How to become smokefree
Quitting smoking
Medicines that help you quit
Second-hand smoke
Protect your children from second-hand smoke
Smoking in pregnancy
Smoking information for teens & young adults
Vaping to quit smoking
Keeping active
Overview of keeping active
Starting to be more active
Getting more activity into your day
Support for getting active
Active children
Active older people
Water-based exercises
Keeping your child safe
Keeping your home warm & dry
Tamaiti Healthy Homes
Reducing my risk of cancer
Inherited cancer & BRCA genes
Sexuality & sexual identity
Tips for sleeping well
Summer safety
Heat exhaustion & heat stroke
Staying safe in summer
Sun-smart behaviour
Overview of vaccination
Vaccination safety
Vaccination life stages
Vaccinations in pregnancy
Whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women
Vaccinations for preschool children
BCG (TB) vaccination
Vaccinations for older children and young adults
HPV vaccine (Gardasil)
Vaccinations for adults
Flu (influenza) vaccinations
Helping with fear of vaccination
Overview of wellbeing
Te Whare Tapa Whā (a model to help understand wellbeing)
Getting started with wellbeing and building resilience
All Right? wellbeing campaign
Eating well for mood & wellbeing
Winter wellness
Workplace wellness
Living with a health condition
Care plans
Acute plans
Personalised care plans
Advance care planning (ACP)
Medical care guidance plan
Communication strategies
Communicating with someone who cannot talk
Communicating with someone who cannot hear well
Finding & recalling words
Tips for better communication
Tips for reading, writing & using the phone
Tips for processing & recalling information
Tips for paying attention
Tips for looking after your voice
Community groups for communication difficulties
Conserving energy
Disability & mobility aids
Finding & paying for disability & mobility aids
Choosing & using disability & mobility aids
Bath boards
Bed levers
Chair & bed raisers
Mobility scooters
Perching stools
Raised toilet seats
Shower stools
Toilet frames & surrounds
Walking frames
Using a walking frame
Walking sticks & crutches
Using crutches (non-weight-bearing)
Using crutches (weight-bearing)
Installing handrails and support rails
Easy-to-understand health information
Overview of fatigue
Self-care for fatigue
Financial support for health costs
Getting back into community-based activities
Getting back into work or study (Here Toitū)
Getting into & out of a chair
Loneliness and social isolation
Managing everyday activities
Overview of wellbeing
Te Whare Tapa Whā (a model to help understand wellbeing)
Getting started with wellbeing and building resilience
All Right? wellbeing campaign
Eating well for mood & wellbeing
Mouth care
Carer's guide to mouth care
Oral hygiene & saliva management
Occupational therapists
Chronic (persistent) pain
Overview of chronic pain
Frequently asked questions about chronic pain
Self-care for chronic pain
Medication for chronic pain
Chronic pain in children & teens
Funded physiotherapy treatment
Practice nurses
Preparing for your doctor's visit
Relaxation techniques
Overview of relaxation techniques
Calming breathing techniques
Progressive muscle relaxation
Self-care for low vision & blindness
Self-care for memory loss & dementia
Sex & long-term health conditions
Support for carers
Tips for sleeping well
Tube feeding
Overview of tube feeding
Tube feeding with a gastrostomy tube
Tube feeding with a nasogastric or nasojejunal tube
Tube feeding for children
Overview of tube feeding for babies and children
Tube feeding with a gastrostomy tube for babies and children
Tube feeding with a nasogastric or nasojejunal tube for babies and children
Pump feeding videos
Your health rights
Māori health
Health information in multiple languages
Communication cards in multiple languages
Community Māori health providers
Hospital services Māori health teams
Keeping your home warm & dry
Tamaiti Healthy Homes
Preparing for your doctor's visit
Rongoā māori
Medical tests & procedures
Allergy testing
Blood tests & laboratory information
Blood transfusions
Bone marrow biopsy
Breast screening (mammography)
Cervical screening
Diabetes & endoscopy
Contraceptive procedures
Contraceptive implant
Contraceptive injection (Depo-Provera)
Inserting an IUD or IUS
Sterilisation for women
Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen)
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)
Genetic testing
Heart treatments & procedures
Hormone tests
Dexamethasone suppression test
Synacthen test
Lumbar puncture
Pipelle biopsy
Radioiodine for thyroid cancer
Radioiodine for thyrotoxicosis (overactive thyroid)
Radiology scans & X-rays
Scans & X-rays
Overview of scans & X-rays
Bone density scan (DEXA)
Breast screening (mammography)
CT (computed tomography) scan
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
PET-CT (positron emission tomography and CT) scan
Videofluoroscopic swallowing studies
Videofluoroscopic swallowing study for adults
Videofluoroscopic swallowing study for children
Radiology parking
Molecular imaging & therapy
Radionuclide thyroid scan
Steroid injections
Tests for heart problems
Tests for nervous system problems
Understanding test results
Understanding your cervical screening results
Understanding your cholesterol results
Understanding your complete blood count results
Understanding your HbA1c results
Understanding your kidney function results
Low sodium (hyponatraemia)
Understanding your liver function results
Understanding your mid-stream urine (MSU) test results
Understanding your thyroid function results
Understanding your vaginal swab results
Zoledronate infusion
Men's health
Overview of men's health
Family violence
Overview of gynaecomastia
Gynaecomastia surgery
Before & after gynaecomastia surgery
Penis health
Overview of your penis
Erection problems (erectile dysfunction)
Penis problems
Overview of the prostate
Prostate enlargement
Prostate surgery (TURP)
Prostate cancer
Overview of prostate cancer
Treating prostate cancer
PSA test
Prostate biopsy
Sexual health and contraception for men
Testicles & scrotum
Overview of your testicles & scrotum
Infection of the testicles (epididymo-orchitis)
Testicular cancer
Lumps, swelling & pain of the testicles & scrotum
Your health rights
Mental health & wellbeing
Overview of wellbeing
Te Whare Tapa Whā (a model to help understand wellbeing)
Getting started with wellbeing and building resilience
All Right? wellbeing campaign
Eating well for mood & wellbeing
Helping myself in tough times
Getting help for a mental health issue
Overview of getting help for a mental health issue
Helplines for mental health issues
Brief intervention talking therapies
Getting help with mental health in teens & young adults
Community support for mental health
Community mental health support workers
Education & support
Family support
Peer support
Employment services
Supported activity
Community support for mental illness during & after pregnancy
Mental health professionals
Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Specialist Mental Health Services
Children of parents with a mental illness or addiction
Mental health conditions
Alcohol & drug addiction
Overview of alcohol addiction
Overview of drug addiction
Types of drugs
Cannabis addiction or abuse
Hallucinogenic addiction or abuse
Opioid addiction or abuse
Stimulant addiction or abuse
Synthetic drug addiction or abuse
Tranquilliser addiction or abuse
Helping myself with my alcohol or drug addiction
Supporting someone with alcohol or drug addiction
Treating alcohol or drug addiction
Gambling problems
ADHD in adults
Self-care for ADHD in adults
Overview of anxiety
Self-care for anxiety
Getting help with anxiety
Supporting someone with anxiety
Parenting with depression & anxiety
Anxiety in children
Overview of anxiety in children
Helping your child with anxiety
Getting help for my child with anxiety
Anxiety in teens & young adults
Overview of anxiety in teens & young adults
Supporting a young person with anxiety
Relaxation techniques
Overview of relaxation techniques
Calming breathing techniques
Progressive muscle relaxation
Autism in adults
Bipolar disorder
Overview of bipolar disorder
Self-care with bipolar disorder
Getting help with bipolar disorder
Borderline personality disorder
Overview of borderline personality disorder
Self-care for borderline personality disorder
Getting help for borderline personality disorder
Supporting someone with borderline personality disorder
Overview of depression
Self-care for depression
Getting help with depression
Supporting someone with depression
Parenting with depression & anxiety
Depression in older people
Depression in teens & young adults
Overview of depression in teens & young adults
Self-care for depression in teens & young adults
Understanding depression in teens & young adults
Supporting a young person with depression
Eating disorders
Overview of eating disorders
Self-care with an eating disorder
Getting help with an eating disorder
Binge-eating disorder group
Supporting someone who has an eating disorder
Approaching your teenager about an eating issue
Types of eating disorders
Medication abuse in eating disorders
Long-term effects of an eating disorder
Grief & loss
Mental illness during & after pregnancy
Overview of mental illness during & after pregnancy
Self-care for mental illness during & after pregnancy
Getting help for mental illness during & after pregnancy
Community support for mental illness during & after pregnancy
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Overview of psychosis
Self-care with psychosis
Getting help with psychosis
Supporting someone with psychosis
Psychosis in teens & young adults
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Overview of stress
Causes of stress
Self-care for stress
Getting help for stress
Relaxation techniques
Overview of relaxation techniques
Calming breathing techniques
Progressive muscle relaxation
Stress in teens & young adults
Suicide help
Suicide prevention
Suicide warning signs
What to do if you think someone may be suicidal
Support after a suicide attempt (for family & friends)
Suicide & young people
Suicide prevention in young people
What can I do if I am thinking about suicide?
What to do if you think a young person may be suicidal
Support after a suicide attempt (for family & friends)
Medications for mental health issues
Overview of antidepressants
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) antidepressants
MAOIs and a low tyramine diet
SSRI antidepressants
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
Stopping antidepressants
Overview of antipsychotics
Comparing antipsychotics
Antipsychotics and weight gain
Mood stabilisers
Therapeutic drug monitoring
Physical health with a mental illness or addiction
How mental illness can affect your physical health
Keeping physically healthy with a mental illness or addiction
Your health rights
Migrant & refugee health
Free GP care for resettled refugees
New Zealand healthcare system
Health information in multiple languages
Communication cards in multiple languages
Easy-to-understand health information
Getting medical help if you are new to Canterbury
Interpreting services
Interpreter cards
Amharic interpreter card
Arabic interpreter card
Bangla interpreter card
Cantonese interpreter card
Dari interpreter card
Farsi interpreter card
Fijian interpreter card
Filipino interpreter card
French interpreter card
Greek interpreter card
Gujarati interpreter card
Hindi interpreter card
Indonesian interpreter card
Italian interpreter card
Japanese interpreter card
Khmer interpreter card
Korean interpreter card
Malaysian interpreter card
Mandarin interpreter card
Nepali interpreter card
New Zealand Sign Language interpreter card
Pashto interpreter card
Polish interpreter card
Portuguese interpreter card
Russian interpreter card
Samoan interpreter card
Somali interpreter card
Spanish interpreter card
Thai interpreter card
Tigrinya interpreter card
Tongan interpreter card
Urdu interpreter card
Vietnamese interpreter card
Keeping your home warm & dry
Tamaiti Healthy Homes
Migrant & refugee services & support
Primary health organisations
Preparing for your doctor's visit
Older persons' health
Active older people
Alcohol & older people
Arthritis (osteoarthritis)
Overview of osteoarthritis
Self-care for osteoarthritis
Treating osteoarthritis
Exercise videos for hip and knee osteoarthritis
Aids for people with osteoarthritis
Mobility action programme for osteoarthritis
Online mobility action programme for osteoarthritis
Foot & ankle arthritis
Overview of foot & ankle arthritis
Self-care for foot & ankle arthritis
Treating foot & ankle arthritis
Thumb arthritis
Overview of thumb arthritis
Self-care for thumb arthritis
Care plans
Acute plans
Personalised care plans
Advance care planning (ACP)
Medical care guidance plan
Overview of cataracts
Treating cataracts
Constipation in adults
Overview of constipation
Self-care for constipation
Fibre & fluid for healthy bowels
Medicines for constipation (adults)
Dental health in older people
Depression in older people
Disability & mobility aids
Finding & paying for disability & mobility aids
Choosing & using disability & mobility aids
Bath boards
Bed levers
Chair & bed raisers
Mobility scooters
Perching stools
Raised toilet seats
Shower stools
Toilet frames & surrounds
Walking frames
Using a walking frame
Walking sticks & crutches
Using crutches (non-weight-bearing)
Using crutches (weight-bearing)
Installing handrails and support rails
Driving for older people
Eating well for older people
Meals on Wheels
Elder abuse & neglect
Reducing your risk of falling
Getting into & out of a chair
Foot problems & care in older people
Frailty in older people
Goal setting after an illness
Hearing loss in adults
Hip & knee replacement
Overview of hip & knee replacement
Hip & knee replacement surgery
Joint replacement surgery videos
Loneliness and social isolation
Low vision & blindness
Overview of low vision & blindness
Getting help for low vision & blindness
Self-care for low vision & blindness
Macular degeneration
Memory loss, mild cognitive impairment & dementia
Overview of memory loss, mild cognitive impairment & dementia
Self-care for memory loss & dementia
Eating well with dementia
Supporting someone with dementia
Communicating with someone who has dementia
How to make a memory book
Safe driving with dementia
Overview of osteoporosis
Reducing your risk of osteoporosis
Self-care for osteoporosis
Treating osteoporosis
Eating well for strong healthy bones
How to get your daily vitamin D
Zoledronate infusion
Parkinson disease
Respite care for older people
Frequently asked questions about respite care for older people
Retirement villages & rest homes
Overview of retirement villages and residential care
Retirement and lifestyle villages
Rest homes
Choosing a rest home
Hospital-level care
Checklist to compare rest home and hospital-level care facilities
Moving to a different rest home or hospital
Sex & intimacy in older people
Overview of stroke
Self-care after a stroke
Support & services for older people
Community groups & agencies for older people
Home care and community support
Other support for older people
Support for carers
Transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
Your health rights
Pacific health
New Zealand healthcare system
Health information in multiple languages
Communication cards in multiple languages
Community Pacific health providers
Disability support services for Pacific peoples
Easy-to-understand health information
Getting medical help if you are new to Canterbury
Hospital services Pacific health teams
Interpreting services (Pacific peoples)
Interpreter cards (Pacific peoples)
Fijian interpreter card
Samoan interpreter card
Tongan interpreter card
Keeping your home warm & dry
Tamaiti Healthy Homes
Preparing for your doctor's visit
Pharmacy & medications
Overview of antibiotics
Why you do not need antibiotics for your infection
Generic medicines
Giving medicines to children
How to take medicines
Medicines starting with A
Medications for mental health issues
Overview of antidepressants
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) antidepressants
MAOIs and a low tyramine diet
SSRI antidepressants
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
Stopping antidepressants
Overview of antipsychotics
Comparing antipsychotics
Antipsychotics and weight gain
Mood stabilisers
Therapeutic drug monitoring
Medicinal cannabis (marijuana)
My Medicines
Pain relief
Pain relief medicines for adults
Pain relief medicines for children & teenagers
Pain relief for adults on discharge from hospital
Safe sharps disposal
Safe use, storage & disposal of medicines
Serotonin syndrome
Side effects of medicines
Overview of dietary supplements
Nutrients and supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Oral nutrition supplements
Taking iron supplements
Weak immune system (immunosuppression)
Overview of surgery
Patient surgical journey videos
Preparing for your operation
Having an anaesthetic
General surgical risks
Pain relief for adults on discharge from hospital
Bariatric (weight-loss) surgery
Breast surgery
Breast cancer surgery
Breast biopsy
Therapeutic mammoplasty
Breast reconstruction surgery
Caring for your drain at home after surgery
Breast reduction surgery
Duct excision
Overview of gynaecomastia
Gynaecomastia surgery
Before & after gynaecomastia surgery
Bowel surgery
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Overview of carpal tunnel syndrome
Treating carpal tunnel syndrome
Surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome
Before & after surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome
Recovery after carpal tunnel surgery
Cleft lip & palate
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Dupuytren contracture
Overview of Dupuytren contracture
Treating Dupuytren contracture
Before & after surgery for Dupuytren contracture
Recovering from surgery for Dupuytren contracture
Hyperparathyroidism (excess parathyroid hormone)
Gallbladder & gallstones
Heart bypass & valve surgery
Overview of abdominal hernia
Hernia repair surgery
After hernia repair surgery
Hip & knee replacement
Overview of hip & knee replacement
Hip & knee replacement surgery
Joint replacement surgery videos
Lymph node dissection
Organ & tissue donation
Pituitary operation
Prominent ear surgery (otoplasty)
Prostate surgery (TURP)
Pulmonary embolism (PE)
Skin surgery and wound care
Foot ulcers
Good food for wound healing
Protein-rich meal ideas
Helping my wound heal
Leg ulcers (venous)
Looking after your skin surgery wound
Pressure injuries
Risks & complications of skin surgery
Skin grafts
Overview of skin grafts
Self-care for skin grafts
Caring for your dressings
Splenectomy & hyposplenism
Surgery for a broken finger
Teen & young adult health
Overview of acne
Self-care for acne
Treating acne
Treating severe acne with isotretinoin
Alcohol use in teens & young adults
Helping your teen develop lower-risk drinking habits
Anxiety in teens & young adults
Overview of anxiety in teens & young adults
Supporting a young person with anxiety
Asthma in teens & young adults
Bullying information for young people
Children of parents with a mental illness or addiction
Confidentiality (health privacy) for teens & young adults
Depression in teens & young adults
Overview of depression in teens & young adults
Self-care for depression in teens & young adults
Understanding depression in teens & young adults
Supporting a young person with depression
Diabetes in children & teens
Eating disorders
Overview of eating disorders
Self-care with an eating disorder
Getting help with an eating disorder
Binge-eating disorder group
Supporting someone who has an eating disorder
Approaching your teenager about an eating issue
Types of eating disorders
Medication abuse in eating disorders
Long-term effects of an eating disorder
Eating well for teens & young adults
Emotional & physical abuse in teens & young adults
Family violence
Gender identity in young people
Overview of gender identity in young people
Gender dysphoria
Gender identity resources for whānau
Gender identity resources for schools & sport organisations
Support networks for transgender & gender diverse people & their whānau
Glandular fever
HPV vaccine (Gardasil)
Penis & testicles
Overview of your penis
Penis problems
Overview of your testicles & scrotum
Overview of periods
Period pain (dysmenorrhoea)
Heavy periods
Treating heavy periods
Irregular periods
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Preparing for your doctor's visit
Psychosis in teens & young adults
Sexual health for teens & young adults
When you're thinking about having sex
Contraception for teens & young adults
Pregnancy information for teens & young adults
Support for young parents
Sexual health services for teens & young adults
Sexuality & sexual identity
Sleep advice for teens
Smoking information for teens & young adults
Stress in teens & young adults
Suicide & young people
Suicide prevention in young people
What can I do if I am thinking about suicide?
What to do if you think a young person may be suicidal
Support after a suicide attempt (for family & friends)
Vulva & vagina
Vaginal dryness
Using vaginal moisturisers & lubricants
Vulval & vaginal care
Vulval problems
Bacterial vaginosis (BV, gardnerella)
Bartholin's cysts
Vaginal thrush (candida)
Vulval lumps
Your rights as a teenager
Women's health
Overview of the female reproductive system
Overview of breastfeeding/chestfeeding
Starting to breastfeed/chestfeed
Getting help with breastfeeding/chestfeeding
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding issues
Breast fullness & breast engorgement
Expressing milk & using breast pumps
Storing & using breast milk
Mastitis (inflamed breasts)
Sore & cracked nipples
Medicines, alcohol, drugs & breastfeeding
Eating and lifestyle guidelines when pregnant and breastfeeding
Nutrients and supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Eating well when breastfeeding twins & triplets
Treating tongue-tie
Breast cancer
Overview of breast cancer
Reducing your risk of breast cancer
Breast screening (mammography)
Self-care after breast cancer
Treating breast cancer
Breast cancer surgery
Breast biopsy
Therapeutic mammoplasty
Breast lumps
Overview of normal breasts
Overview of breast lumps
Causes of breast lumps
Breast pain
Breast screening (mammography)
Breast surgery
Breast cancer surgery
Breast biopsy
Therapeutic mammoplasty
Breast reconstruction surgery
Caring for your drain at home after surgery
Breast reduction surgery
Duct excision
Cervical screening
Follow up after an abnormal cervical screening result
Cervical cancer
HPV vaccine (Gardasil)
Cervical polyps
Contraception & sterilisation
Overview of contraception & sterilisation
Combined oral contraceptives
Contraceptive implant
Contraceptive injection (Depo-Provera)
Emergency contraceptive pill
Intrauterine devices & systems (IUDs & IUSs)
Inserting an IUD or IUS
Progesterone-only pill (POP)
Sterilisation for women
Family violence
Overview of menopause
Treating menopause symptoms
Bleeding after menopause
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cysts
Pelvic pain in women
Overview of pelvic pain in women
Sudden pelvic pain in women
Long-lasting (chronic) pelvic pain
Overview of periods
Period pain (dysmenorrhoea)
Heavy periods
Treating heavy periods
Irregular periods
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Overview of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Treating polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Eating well with polycystic ovary syndrome
Pregnancy & childbirth
Lead maternity carers
Planning a pregnancy
Healthy pregnancy
Alcohol, smoking & drugs in pregnancy
Alcohol in pregnancy
Illegal drugs in pregnancy
Smoking in pregnancy
Breech presentation
Considering adoption
Coping with symptoms in pregnancy
Eating and lifestyle guidelines when pregnant and breastfeeding
Nutrients and supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Eating well when breastfeeding twins & triplets
Food safety in pregnancy
Healthy weight gain in pregnancy
Looking after your body in pregnancy
Money matters in pregnancy
Multiple pregnancy
Eating well when breastfeeding twins & triplets
Pregnancy & your baby's movements
Rh(D) (rhesus) negative blood & pregnancy
Tests & screening in pregnancy
Testing for haemophilia before pregnancy
Vaccinations in pregnancy
Whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women
Health conditions in pregnancy
Anaemia in pregnancy
Asthma in pregnancy
Bleeding in early pregnancy
Constipation in pregnancy
Diabetes in pregnancy
Online education for diabetes in pregnancy (gestational diabetes)
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in pregnancy
High blood pressure & pre-eclampsia in pregnancy
Infections in pregnancy & after birth
Group B streptococcus in newborn babies
Sexually transmitted infections in pregnancy
Vaginal thrush (candida)
Itching in pregnancy
Medicines in pregnancy
Mental illness during & after pregnancy
Overview of mental illness during & after pregnancy
Self-care for mental illness during & after pregnancy
Getting help for mental illness during & after pregnancy
Community support for mental illness during & after pregnancy
Nausea & vomiting in pregnancy (morning sickness)
Stomach pain in early pregnancy
Thyroid disease in pregnancy
Giving birth
Overview of giving birth
Birth after caesarean section
Breech presentation
Caesarean section
Induction of labour
Pain relief when having a baby
Perineal tear
Self-care after a perineal tear
Water labour and birth
Where to give birth
After childbirth
Overview of breastfeeding/chestfeeding
Starting to breastfeed/chestfeed
Getting help with breastfeeding/chestfeeding
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding issues
Breast fullness & breast engorgement
Expressing milk & using breast pumps
Storing & using breast milk
Mastitis (inflamed breasts)
Sore & cracked nipples
Medicines, alcohol, drugs & breastfeeding
Eating and lifestyle guidelines when pregnant and breastfeeding
Nutrients and supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Eating well when breastfeeding twins & triplets
Treating tongue-tie
Choosing contraception after having a baby
Infections in pregnancy & after birth
Group B streptococcus in newborn babies
Sexually transmitted infections in pregnancy
Vaginal thrush (candida)
Mental illness during & after pregnancy
Overview of mental illness during & after pregnancy
Self-care for mental illness during & after pregnancy
Getting help for mental illness during & after pregnancy
Community support for mental illness during & after pregnancy
Pelvic floor exercises for women
Registering & enrolling your baby
Vitamin K & your baby
Pregnancy loss
Ectopic pregnancy
Recurrent miscarriages
Molar pregnancy
Premature birth
Caring for a premature baby
Pregnancy & parenting education (antenatal classes)
Abortion (termination of pregnancy)
Pelvic organ prolapse
Cancer of the uterus
Treating endometriosis
Vulva & vagina
Vaginal dryness
Using vaginal moisturisers & lubricants
Vulval & vaginal care
Vulval problems
Bacterial vaginosis (BV, gardnerella)
Bartholin's cysts
Vaginal thrush (candida)
Vulval lumps
End of life planning & care
Palliative care
Overview of palliative care
Getting help with palliative care
Financial support in palliative care
Controlling symptoms in palliative care
Breathlessness & coughing in palliative care
Constipation in palliative care
Delirium in palliative care
Itching in palliative care
Medicinal cannabis (marijuana)
Midazolam nasal spray for anxiety in palliative care
Mouth care in palliative care
Nausea & vomiting in palliative care
Pain in palliative care
Relieving pain in palliative care
Morphine in palliative care
Oxycodone in palliative care
Methadone in palliative care
Fentanyl in palliative care
Poor appetite in palliative care
Weakness & tiredness in palliative care
Decisions about your life & treatment
End-of-life decisions
Advance care planning (ACP)
Medical care guidance plan
Assisted dying
Organ & tissue donation
When someone is dying
Overview of dying at home
Understanding the dying process
Looking after yourself when caring for someone who is dying
Planning a funeral or memorial
After someone you love has died