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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Support for young parents

Tautoko mō ngā mātua rangatahi

Happy teen parents and babyFinding out you are pregnant can make you feel excited, but some people feel overwhelmed. There are lots of people and organisations that can support you during your pregnancy and after your baby is born.

As soon as you know you are pregnant, you need to choose a lead maternity carer (LMC). Your LMC will look after you and your baby during your pregnancy and immediately afterwards. Most LMCs are midwives, trained health professionals specialising in pregnancy and childbirth.

Sometimes a midwife and your general practice team may share your care.

Caring for your mental health

Being pregnant and a new mother can be stressful and make you feel very emotional. During this time, your hormones change a lot, and this can affect how you feel. Talk to your midwife or LMC about how you feel so they can help you. They can refer you for a free mental health consultation with your general practice team. This can be any time during your pregnancy and for six weeks after your baby is born.

You can talk directly to your general practice team if you are worried about your mental health. They can help you find social and lifestyle support with medication (if you need it). They can also refer you to any specialists you may need to see.

Plunket can also support you if you are feeling anxious or depressed about the change from pregnancy to parenthood. You can refer yourself and you can also contact them before your baby is born. You can phone the PlunketLine office for Canterbury on (03) 366‑0765.

  HealthInfo recommends the following pages

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2023.


See also:


Helping myself in tough times

Pregnancy & childbirth

Page reference: 231383

Review key: HIPRT-53210