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HealthInfo Piki Te Ora Southern

Self-care for memory loss & dementia

Ngā āwhinatanga e whakahaere i te ngarohanga maharatanga

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You can do several things to make life easier and help your memory.

Everyday life

Memory aids

Thinking aids


We all need help at times and other people are usually happy to be asked. Talk to family and friends about how they can support you. You might find it useful to print out the cue cards listed below and place them around your home in places that will remind you what you need to do.

An occupational therapist may be able to help you work out strategies and use memory aids. You can search for an occupational therapist on the Occupational Therapy New Zealand website.

  HealthInfo recommends the following pages

On the next page: Eating well with dementia

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed August 2022.


See also:

Finding & recalling words

Tips for processing & recalling information

Page reference: 1042374

Review key: HIMLD-33325