HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury
The progestogen-only pill (POP), often called the mini pill, contains a small amount of the hormone progestogen. It works by thickening your cervical mucus, which stops sperm from getting to the egg. It may also stop your ovaries releasing eggs.
You must take it every day and within three to four hours of the same time each day.
The POP is very good at stopping pregnancy (at least 92% and up to 99% if taken correctly).
Most women can use the POP, including those who cannot use the combined oral contraceptive pill. This can include women who are breastfeeding, who get migraines, who have a strong family history of DVT (blood clots) and older women.
The POP has very few side effects. Some women continue to have normal periods, some get irregular bleeding and a small number get no bleeding.
See your general practice, Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Clinic, school clinic or Te Tahi Youth to find out if the POP is right for you.
Sexual health visits with your general practice team may be free. Ask your general practice team if you are eligible.
Appointments at Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Clinics are free for New Zealand residents if you are under 22.
Te Tahi Youth offers free medical care and counselling for those aged 10 to 24.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
This page explains the POP and tells you how to use it.
Information about the 2 types of contraceptive pill, the combined pill and the progestogen-only pill (the mini pill).
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed July 2022.
Review key: HICAS-53138