HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury
It's common for babies to get a skin rash in the area covered by their nappy (or diaper). Young babies have soft, thin skin so they can get a nappy rash quite easily. Their skin gets red and irritated, sometimes with spots, especially at the edges of the red areas.
Chemicals in your baby's wee and poo can irritate their skin. So can soaps and wipes used to clean their skin. Young babies can wee and poo very often, and they need their nappy changed as soon as possible once it becomes wet.
Use a warm, soft, wet cloth to wash your baby's bottom, then put on a barrier cream at each nappy change. Try to give your baby as much nappy-free time as possible every day.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
This page has information about what causes nappy rash and how to prevent it.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2021.
Review key: HIUCB-33560