HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury
There are many services and resources available to help children with development problems and their families. You may find useful information and services through the links below. You may also find some helpful advice and information about services that can help in our sections on child behaviour and support for parents.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Support and resources to help your child and your family.
Information, advocacy and support for people with intellectual disabilities.
LifeLinks will help you to identify what support your child and family need, find the services your child is eligible for and advocate on your behalf. Your child will need to meet LifeLinks' threshold to access these services.
Information about special education resources your child may be able to access.
A support network for families raising a child with a disability.
Early intervention services to infants and young children with complex disabilities.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Page created August 2021.
Review key: HICDG-40335