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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Learning difficulties

Raruraru akoranga

If a tamaiti (child) has a learning difficulty, it will either be a general (or global) learning difficulty or a specific learning difficulty.

A general learning difficulty means they take longer to understand and process information than other tamariki (children). They find learning anything more difficult, no matter how it is taught. It may be an intellectual disability, but that can be hard to identify in young tamariki.

A specific learning difficulty means a tamaiti of average or above average intelligence has difficulty with particular aspects of learning. Specific learning difficulties are not caused by an intellectual disability, but by other factors.

Dyslexia (difficulties with language), dyscalculia (difficulties with maths) and dysgraphia (difficulties with handwriting) are all examples of specific learning difficulties. Tamariki can often have more than one at the same time. Tamariki with a specific learning difficulty usually learn very successfully if the teaching style meets their needs.

Tamariki with general learning difficulties often also have other developmental delays. Tamariki with specific learning difficulties can have other difficulties. For example, dyspraxia, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder or sensory processing disorder.

Signs of a learning difficulty

Signs that your tamaiti may have a learning difficulty depend on their specific issue and the age when it starts showing.


You may notice that your tamaiti develops as expected in some areas but falls behind in others. It may take longer than usual for them to reach some milestones, such as crawling or walking and speaking. Other members of your whānau (family) may also have learning difficulties.

Primary school children

Your tamaiti may have difficulty with some skills that they try to learn at school. For example, reading, spelling, writing or maths. They may also have difficulty paying attention and remembering things. Or they may have difficulties with coordination.

They may find it difficult to get on with others socially or to follow instructions. They may clown about or daydream at school.

Tamariki with learning difficulties can have low self-esteem and often complain about going to school. They may have frequent after-school meltdowns because they feel overloaded.

Intermediate and high school children

At this age, a tamaiti may have difficulty with some teaching styles. For example, they may find listening and reading hard but learn better when they are doing things. They may also find it hard to manage emotions, be organised, take notes and write essays. A tamaiti with a learning difficulty may also have low self-esteem.

Causes of learning difficulties

The term "general learning disability" is often used in young tamariki before it is obvious what the issue is. So, the cause will depend on the final diagnosis.

Specific learning difficulties are usually due to the way a child's nervous system handles information. There is a mismatch between their potential, given their intelligence, and the way they can learn and express themselves. Genetics may play a part, as learning difficulties often run in whānau.

Diagnosing learning difficulties

If you think your tamaiti may have a learning difficulty, the first step is to discuss it with your general practice team, Well Child nurse or early childhood teacher. They will ask you questions about your child's history (if they do not know your tamaiti well) and what you are worried about. An early childhood teacher who looks after your tamaiti may already have a good grasp of their learning style and needs.

A psychologist may do a learning difficulty assessment. They will ask questions about what your tamaiti does well and what they find hard. They will also do some tests to find out how their brain processes information. This will help them identify whether your tamaiti has a general or specific learning difficulty and how they are best able to learn. Tests for specific learning difficulties can be very detailed.

Helping my child with a learning difficulty

Gather all the information you can about your child's precise difficulties, and what their strengths are. This will help you advocate for their needs.

When your tamaiti goes to school, it can help to have one of the health professionals working with them go with you to explain what difficulties they have. This may make it more likely that they get the support they need at school.

There are community child development support services that can help. Your general practice team or child's school may also know what services are available for you and your tamaiti.

Long-term effects of learning disabilities

Learning difficulties affect different people differently. Some people go through life without ever being diagnosed. Most tamariki with learning difficulties will have full, happy lives, especially if they have had good support as a tamaiti. People with learning difficulties tend to choose jobs and hobbies that suit their strengths, minimising the difficulties they face.

Specific learning difficulties are unique. The person usually has average or above average intelligence but has difficulty expressing it. This can contribute to poor mental health, such as increased levels of anxiety and low self-esteem. So, it is important to advocate strongly for them, to make sure their needs are understood and met.

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Written by a private occupational therapist, Canterbury. Adapted by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2024.


See also:

Auditory processing disorder

Page reference: 375397

Review key: HICDG-40335