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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Helping your teen develop lower-risk drinking habits

Te āwhina i tō rangatahi kia whakawhanake i ngā tikanga inu waipiro haumaru

Parents and teen drink wine with a mealParents and caregivers can have a positive influence on the relationship rangatahi (young people) have with alcohol. You can help them develop healthier habits around alcohol in several ways including:

Concerns about drinking

If you are worried that a rangatahi may be drinking too much, you could try to talk to them about your concerns. You could also encourage them to talk to their general practice team. It might be reassuring for them to know that health providers have to keep all information about their medical care confidential. If they would prefer to see a different doctor and are in Christchurch, they can see one for free at Te Tahi Youth (phone (03) 943‑9298).

Manu Ka Rere is free for rangatahi (young people) aged 13 to 24 who may have mental health or alcohol and drug issues. The service provides short-term intervention, which includes assessment, treatment and support. It also coordinates and supports rangatahi and their whānau (families) to get longer term treatment if needed. Rangatahi can refer themselves to the service. A health professional, community agency, teacher or parent can also refer them.

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Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed February 2024.


Page reference: 216987

Review key: HIAIY-53627