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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Community groups for communication difficulties

Ngā rōpū hapori mō ngā taumahatanga whakawhitinga kōrero

These groups are for adults with a condition that affects their ability to speak and communicate.

Aphasia New Zealand

Aphasia New Zealand runs group meetings. The meetings are often Kōrero (conversation) clubs or aphasia support groups. They allow people with aphasia to communicate in a supportive environment. This helps them gain confidence.

They can also meet others with aphasia. This allows them to share experiences. They can have open discussions with those affected by aphasia. Carers, whānau (family) members and friends are welcome to attend most meetings.

A Christchurch aphasia carer's coffee group meets on the third Saturday of each month. It meets at 10 am at Dux Dine, 28 Riccarton Road, Riccarton.

You can contact Aphasia New Zealand by phone on 0508‑274‑274.

Cantabrainers Choir

Cantabrainers Choir is for people with Parkinson disease, stroke and multiple sclerosis. People with other similar conditions can also take part. Participating in the choir helps people improve their voice and communication. It does this through singing and socialising.

Cantabrainers Choir meets in Christchurch every Wednesday. It meets from 10 am to 11.45 am during school terms.

In 2023, a pilot choir is meeting in Rangiora every Tuesday. It meets from 1.30 pm to 3 pm during school terms.

The first session is free to visit. After joining, there is a small charge for each session attended. Compassionate lower rates can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

You can contact the Cantabrainers Choir by email or by phone on 020-4058-4425.

Hei Whakapiki Mauri

Hei Whakapiki Mauri is an inclusive hui. It is for people with a disability or communication impairment. Whānau are also encouraged to attend.

You can contact Hei Whakapiki Mauri by email or by phone on 027-440-8573.

Parkinson's Communication Group

Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson’s Canterbury has monthly communication maintenance and voice practice groups. The groups are for people with Parkinson disease. Partners are welcome.

The meetings are held at Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Canterbury. This at 70 Langdons Road, Papanui.

St John of God Halswell

St John of God Halswell runs a communication group for people under 65 with aphasia.

You can contact the Rehabilitation Manager by email or by phone on (03) 338‑2009.

Stroke Foundation Stroke Clubs

The Stroke Foundation runs communication groups for people who have had a stroke. Groups meet in Hornby, Richmond and Rangiora.

The Christchurch Youngish Stroke Group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. It meets at various cafés, normally in the Barrington or Beckenham areas. For more details, you can contact the group by email or by phone on 021-556-056.

You can contact the Stroke Foundation by phone on (03) 381‑8500.

University of Canterbury

The University of Canterbury Speech and Hearing Clinic runs short-term communication groups. Speech-language therapy students run the groups during their semester clinic on campus. The groups include conversation groups and book clubs. There are also cognitive conversation groups for people with dementia or aphasia.

A conversation partner programme begins at the start of each year. It pairs a person with aphasia (or other communication impairment) with two students. This has a communication focus and can be in the person with aphasia's home. It can also be in another community space, such as a library, at the preference of the person with aphasia.

You can contact the Clinic by email or by phone on (03) 369-3133.

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed July 2023.

Page reference: 108957

Review key: HISCD-79694