Getting help with COPD
Whai āwhina mō te COPD
Your general practice team can give you information, advice, a treatment plan and medications to help you manage your COPD.
Local support societies and groups
CanBreathe provides services and support to help you manage your COPD. Most services are free or very cheap. They include consultations and home visits. There is also follow-up support as needed and education about medications, inhalers and spacers.
Canterbury Better Breathing pulmonary rehabilitation programme
The Canterbury Better Breathing pulmonary rehabilitation programme helps you improve your breathing and fitness.
Canterbury community respiratory support and exercise groups provide group sessions in the community.
Specialist COPD services
In Canterbury, there are many specialist respiratory services available for people with COPD or other breathing disorders, including:
- Respiratory Specialist Nursing Service. The service provides education and advice on disease and management, pulmonary rehabilitation and spirometry.
- Community Respiratory Service. The community respiratory service works alongside general practice teams and community groups to provide advice and support around respiratory issues.
- Cardio-Respiratory Integrated Specialist Services (CRISS). Specialist nurses work with respiratory consultants to coordinate hospital- and community-based care for people with severe lung disease. If you are eligible for oxygen at home, they also provide oxygen therapy and follow-up.
Your general practice team or other health professional can refer you to one or more of these services as you need them.
Christchurch Hospital or Ashburton Hospital respiratory services
- The Christchurch Hospital Respiratory Department sees people with respiratory and sleep disorders. But it usually only sees people with severe COPD. The Respiratory Physiology Laboratory does spirometry tests. It is on the 4th floor of the Riverside building.
- Ashburton Hospital has a respiratory nurse who is available 2 days a week to give education, advice and oxygen therapy. If necessary, your general practice team will refer you to this service. A medical technician does spirometry tests in the Outpatients Department.
You may want to pay to see a private respiratory specialist.
Māori health providers
There are Māori health providers who can provide support with managing your COPD.
Pacific health providers
There are Pacific health providers who can provide support with managing your COPD.
Financial help
For information about funding that your general practice team might be able to use to reduce the cost of your health care, see Funding schemes at your general practice.
To find out about the disability allowance benefit, see Disability Allowance.
Transport and parking has information about mobility parking permits, the Total Mobility half-price taxi scheme and other transport options.
See Keeping your home warm & dry for information about the Community Energy Action (CEA) Charitable Trust. CEA might be able to help with reduced costs for insulation and efficient heating.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2024.
Image and embedded video sources
Illustration of COPD from Shutterstock (image ID 90181153). March 2021.
Images from an exercise class provided by Green Prescription. September 2015.
Image of man resting in chair with cat from Shutterstock (image ID 1488261800). June 2023.
Image of a man using an inhaler with a spacer from iStock (image ID 474850302). March 2017.
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