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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Drugs & reducing your risks from taking drugs

Young woman taking a pill in a nightclubDrugs are any substances that when taken, enter your bloodstream and change the way your body works. Drugs can be taken by inhaling, swallowing or injecting.

Some drugs are legal, such as alcohol and tobacco. Others are illegal, such as cannabis, cocaine and heroin. Medical cannabis is legal but only if a doctor prescribes it for you to use. Taking prescription medicines not prescribed for you is also illegal.

Drugs work on the brain and affect your ability to make safe decisions.

Any drug can be harmful. They can have short-term harmful effects as well as cause long-term problems. This is especially so with rangatahi (young people) whose brains are still developing.

Many people are curious about new things – and that includes drugs.

Most people will come into contact with drugs at some point and will have to make a decision about using them. Most will decide against taking drugs. But it is important as parents and caregivers to support the rangatahi and help them make safe decisions.

Talking to them is the key to preventing problems. Read more for some tips about how to have a conversation with your teenager about drugs.

Even though some drugs are illegal, some people still choose to take drugs. Knowing the facts about drugs and how they might affect you can help you make better decisions about whether to use them. It can also help to reduce any harm drugs cause you. Read more about commonly abused drugs, including their side effects and risks and ways to be safer.

Getting help with drug problems

If you are worried that you might have a problem with drugs, it is a good idea to talk to your general practice team about it. Your general practice team has to keep all information about your medical care confidential. They are good people to see because they know you best. If needed, they can refer you to services that specialise in helping those with drug problems.

If you are a rangatahi (young person) and would prefer to see another doctor, you can see a doctor for free at Te Tahi Youth (phone (03) 943‑9298).

It may be easier to talk to someone anonymously first. Try one of these options for advice and support. You can also call if you are worried that someone else may have a drug problem.

Manu Ka Rere

Manu Ka Rere is free for rangatahi (young people) aged 13 to 24 who may have mental health or alcohol and drug issues. The service provides short-term intervention, which includes assessment, treatment and support. It also coordinates and supports rangatahi and their whānau (families) to get longer term treatment if needed. Rangatahi can refer themselves to the service. A health professional, community agency, teacher or parent can also refer them.


Youthline is an organisation that works with young people and provides several services.

Freephone 0800‑376-633 (any time) or free txt 234 to speak to a counsellor.

You can also chat online using the webchat between 10 am and 10 pm, Tuesday to Friday and 4:30 pm to 10 pm, Saturday to Monday.

Email any time. Counsellors aim to respond to emails within 24 hours.

Alcohol Drug Youth Helpline

The Youth Helpline has dedicated people experienced in working through issues with rangatahi. They offer free, confidential support and guidance.

Freephone 0800‑787‑YTH (0800‑787‑984), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Free TXT 8681 and a counsellor will txt you back for a confidential conversation.

  HealthInfo recommends the following pages

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed May 2024.


See also:

Alcohol & reducing your risks from drinking

Drug addiction

Drug overdose

Page reference: 53199

Review key: HIDYT-53199