Day time wetting is quite common, particularly in younger tamariki (children). It's only considered to be a problem after the age of 4. Most tamariki
children will be dry by the time they start school, but round 3 to 4% of those aged between 4 and 12 will have weed (urinated) outside the toilet during the day. Many will wet the bed at night as well.
Causes of daytime wetting
Daytime wetting by your tamaiti (child) can be caused by any of the following:
Ignoring the urge or being very busy and forgetting to wee (urine). As a result, the bladder becomes too full, causing wee to leak out.
An overactive or twitchy bladder, meaning it empties before they can get to the toilet.This is a very common problem. Sometimes your tamaiti
child may automatically 'dance' or 'curtsey' to stop the wee coming out without realising what they are doing.
An underactive bladder, so they do not feel the urge to go to the toilet for a wee.
Some developmental conditions, which can cause poor bladder control.
Constipation, when poo fills the bowel causing it to squash the bladder so there is less space for the wee. This makes it more difficult to hold on to.
Helping your child with daytime wetting
The most important thing you can do is be patient and understanding. Respond gently, remembering your tamaiti may feel sad or upset. Reassure them that daytime wetting is a temporary problem.
If your tamaiti is having daytime wetting accidents, try these practical steps:
Do not restrict fluids.
Avoid caffeinated drinks. For example, tea, chocolate, and fizzy drinks.
Encourage them to drink normally.
Children aged 1 to 4 needs about 4 cups of fluid a day.
Tamariki aged 5 to 13 need 5 to 6 cups of fluid a day.
If a tamaiti is very active, they may need to have more fluid.
Encourage them to have a wee every 2 to 3 hours during the day.
Ensure they have easy access to a toilet.
Make sure they have plenty of fibre and fluids to prevent constipation.
Treating daytime wetting
Daytime wetting is usually treated with practical steps, healthy bowel habits and sometimes medication. Read more about treatment for daytime wetting.
Getting help for daytime wetting
It's common for tamariki
children who are toilet trained to occasionally wet their pants. Take your tamaiti to see their doctor if:
it happens more often
weeing is painful
they struggle to start or keep weeing, or their wee is a continuous dribbling stream.
There are also several support services available that can help, such as:
Public Health Nurse
Public health nurses can provide support for tamariki aged 4 years and over with daytime wetting problems. You can talk to your GP about this service, or self refer by phone (03) 383 6877 or email
Nurse Maude Continence Advisory Service
The Nurse Maude Continence Advisory Service is for tamariki aged 4 to 16 who also have other conditions such as autism, developmental delay, physical disabilities or complex medical problems. The service can provide products and assessment with a continence advisor. Talk to your GP about referral to this service.