HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury
The B4 School Check is free for every 4-year-old tamaiti (child) in New Zealand. The check is a chance to have their health and development checked well before they start school. Ideally, they should have the check as soon as they turn 4. You will have a chance to talk with a nurse about your tamaiti and ask about things that are important to you.
Some B4 School Checks are done by the Public Health Nursing Service. But most are carried out by nurses in general practices.
For more information about the free B4 School Check, call the Canterbury B4 School Check Service Coordinator on 0800‑247‑2123. You can also talk to your general practice team.
You will be asked for your consent to take part in the B4 School Check. You and your tamaiti will have a 30- to 45-minute appointment with a nurse. The nurse will talk with you about your child's health and development and their social and emotional wellbeing. The nurse will also check their teeth, height and weight. You will be able to talk with the nurse about anything that may be worrying you.
If your tamaiti attends a preschool, kindergarten, or kōhanga reo, their teacher will be asked to fill in a questionnaire. The questionnaire is about your child's strengths and any difficulties they may have.
Please bring along your child's Well Child Tamariki Ora health book. The nurse can record their growth and development in the book.
Your child's vision and hearing will be checked by a vision and hearing technician. In Canterbury, vision and hearing testing is done in early childhood centres. If your 4-year-old tamaiti does not go to an early childhood centre, please contact the vision and hearing testing team on (03) 383‑9498 to make an appointment.
After the check, you can get a copy of the results. The results of the check will be given to your family doctor. The vision and hearing results will be given to your child’s early learning service. No other information will be shared without your permission.
If you or the nurse thinks your tamaiti has any health or development issues that need support or further assessment, the nurse will discuss this with you. The nurse will offer to refer you to other services that may help. The nurse can also help if your tamaiti has missed any immunisations.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Information about the B4 School Check.
This pamphlet introduces and explains the B4 School Check.
Also available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Hindi, and Korean.
Written by the Canterbury B4 School Check service coordinator. Adapted by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2024.
See also:
Review key: HICDG-40335