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HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury

Thickening fluids

A speech-language therapist has recommended that you thicken your drinks to make them safer to swallow.

How to use thickeners

The following video shows a fluid being thickened.

To thicken your fluids:

  1. Thoroughly read the instructions on the tin or bottle of your chosen thickening product to see how much product you need for your consistency level.
  2. Measure your fluid as per the product information.
  3. Add the required amount of thickener.
  4. Stir briskly with a fork for 30 to 40 seconds.
  5. Leave to thicken if the product instructions tell you to.

How to buy thickeners

You can call your usual pharmacy and ask them to order the thickening product for you (see the products below). Make sure you specify the product name you would like ordered.

You can buy some products from the pharmacy at Christchurch Hospital. This is inside the hospital near the main entrance.

You can order the following thickening products yourself.

Flavour Creations

Order from Ebos.

Phone: 0800-105-501.

Nutilis thickening powder

Order from Nutricia.

Phone: 0800-688-747.


Order from Capes Medical.

Phone: (07) 575-9777 or contact the Precise rep on 021-345-881.

Written by speech-language therapists, Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitaha Canterbury. Adapted by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed July 2023.


Page reference: 886288

Review key: HISWD-121957