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HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury

Self-care for skin grafts

Tāu ake whakaora i te pokanga whakawhiti kiri


See your general practice team or go to an after-hours clinic as soon as possible if you have:

For donor sites, look out for fluid under the Mefix (white tape) dressing, leakage or a bad smell from the wound. If you notice these, ask your district nurse or general practice team to have a look as soon as possible.

Caring for your graft

You can improve the chances of your skin graft healing well.

Avoid starting aspirin and aspirin-based pain relief or other blood thinners such as warfarin, enoxaparin (Clexane), or dabigatran (Pradaxa) after your operation. These can cause bleeding. If you are already taking regular prescribed aspirin or another blood thinner, talk to your doctor before stopping it.


Take it easy for 2 weeks or so. Do not work too much with your grafted area. Depending on where your graft is, how big it is and what your job is, you might need to take time off work. This might be more than two weeks. Ask your general practice team for a medical certificate. If you need extra help to manage at home, discuss this with your ward nurse, district nurse or general practice team.

Leg grafts

Hand or lower arm grafts

Keep the grafted area raised in a sling during the day and keep your hand and arm up on pillows when you are resting.

Skin care

Once the grafted and donor areas are fully healed, gently massage a plain, non-medicated moisturising cream into them. Do this once or twice a day, for 2 to 3 months. This keeps the scars soft and supple and helps them look better.

Protect grafted areas and donor sites from the sun by covering up with cotton clothing or 15+ sunscreen. Avoid synthetic fabrics, such as nylon, as these often aggravate newly healed skin.

Support stockings or Tubigrip compression bandage

If your graft is below your knee you may have to wear support stockings or Tubigrip compression bandage. These need to fit firmly from your toes to just below your knee. You can leave the stockings off at night but remember to put them on before you put your leg down from your bed.

Do not fold over, roll or shorten your support stockings. This can restrict circulation and cause swelling. You can hand wash them if you need to.

When your graft is healed, continue to wear your support stockings until your doctor or nurse tells you to stop doing so.

On the next page: Caring for your dressings

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed September 2024.


Page reference: 89509

Review key: HISGR-87518