HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury
There are several things you can do to help yourself if you have IBD.
Learn more about IBD and consider joining the Canterbury Crohn's & Colitis Support Group.
Stop smoking. This can help to cut the number of flare-ups you have, and those you do have are likely to be less severe.
Learn how to eat well with IBD. Although there is no special diet that will cure IBD, eating well will improve your overall health. It may also help with some of your symptoms. During a flare-up, you may find that your gut is more sensitive to some foods and drinks than normal. You may find it helps to limit these foods while you have symptoms. You should be able to start eating them again once you feel better.
You may need to follow a low-fibre diet to stop getting a blockage if you have a narrowing in your bowel. You can usually add more high-fibre food back into your diet once you feel better.
Look after your overall health by managing stress, eating well, keeping active and making sure you get enough sleep.
Have regular check-ups with your general practice team. They will check that your condition is stable. They will also check that any medicines you are taking are working well without any significant side effects. Your general practice team may send you for a bone density scan to check for osteoporosis. This is because some medicines used to treat IBD can weaken your bones.
If you are underweight, finding it difficult to eat well or losing weight without trying, your general practice team may refer you to see a dietitian.
If you are travelling overseas, Crohn's & Colitis New Zealand has information and advice.
If you plan to become pregnant, talk to your general practice team before you start trying. You may need to have extra folate supplements. There are also some IBD medications you should not take when you are pregnant. Your general practice team will refer you to a gastroenterologist who will help to manage your care while you are pregnant.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Detailed Information and support for people with IBD including the helpline 0800-ASK-IBD (0800-275-423).
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed August 2024.
Review key: HIIBD-40631