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HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury

Self-care for MASLD

Tāu ake whakaora i te MASLD

If you have metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), there are several things you can do to stop it getting worse.

Stay a healthy weight

Keep your weight within your healthy weight range. If you are an unhealthy weight, losing 5 to 10% of your body weight can remove some fat from your liver.

Aim to lose weight at a rate of 0.5 to 1 kg per week.

Eat well

Eating well together with keeping active can stop MASLD from getting worse. There is no special diet you should follow but the Mediterranean diet may help. This diet was not specifically created for people with fatty liver disease. But it includes the kinds of foods that can help reduce the fat in your liver.

Enjoy a cup of coffee

Coffee is good for liver health. Regularly drinking moderate amounts of coffee (3 to 5 cups a day) can slow the progression of liver disease such as fatty liver in some people. Drinking coffee may also prevent liver cancer. And it may lower your risk of other liver conditions such as fibrosis (scar tissue) and cirrhosis.

These benefits of coffee have been found in various types of coffee including filtered, instant and espresso.

Although drinking coffee may help, other lifestyle measures, such as eating well, being active and keeping to a healthy weight are most important for good liver health.

Go easy on alcohol

Drinking alcohol may make your fatty liver worse. Alcohol is also high in calories so if you are an unhealthy weight, cutting back may help you lose weight.

Be active every day

Being active regularly can help to remove some fat from your liver and help you manage your weight.

Aim to do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity most days of the week. Moderate intensity activity includes brisk walking or cycling. All types of physical activity can help improve fatty liver so choose activities you enjoy.

If you need help being more active, talk to your general practice team or other health professional about a Green Prescription. You can also ask for a referral to a personal trainer or physiotherapist for specific advice and support.

Do not smoke

If you smoke, stopping can help reduce your risk of problems that are common in people with fatty liver such as heart attacks and strokes.

Be careful with herbal remedies and dietary supplements

Some herbal remedies and dietary supplements can harm your liver. Check with your general practice team or pharmacist before you take any herbal remedy or dietary supplement. They will make sure it is safe for you and will not interact with other medications.

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed August 2024.


Page reference: 1137887

Review key: HILIV-52878