Overview of dermatitis (eczema)
Dermatitis is a very common skin condition which makes your skin dry, red and itchy.
Dermatitis, also known as eczema, is the name given to a group of conditions that cause inflammation of your skin.
Different types of dermatitis
There are different types of dermatitis with the most common being:
A common red spotty rash that occurs around your mouth called periorificial dermatitis (sometimes called muzzle rash) is not dermatitis despite the name.
Causes of dermatitis
Causes of the most common types of dermatitis include:
- Atopic dermatitis (eczema) – the exact cause is not known but it’s believed to be caused by a combination of genes and triggers. People with atopic eczema have a lower amount of a protein called filaggrin which helps keep the skin barrier supple and healthy. People with atopic eczema also tend to have an overactive immune system which can be triggered by a substance inside or outside of the body, causing inflammation.
- Allergic contact dermatitis – this is due to an allergic reaction to a chemical or substance that you’re allergic to (called an allergen).
- Irritant contact dermatitis – this occurs when your skin comes into contact with a substance that irritates it (called an irritant).
- Seborrhoeic dermatitis is caused by a yeast (fungus) that is in the oil secretion on the skin.
Dermatitis is not contagious and food allergies do not cause dermatitis though having an allergic reaction to food can cause it to worsen.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Page created August 2021.
The information in this section comes from the following sources, some of which may be clinically complex or not available to the general public
British Skin Foundation – Contact dermatitis, retrieved May 2021
DermNet NZ – Dermatitis, retrieved May 2021
Mayo Clinic – Dermatitis, retrieved May 2021
Page reference: 885841
Review key: HICOD-326084