HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury
The Medical Investigation Unit (MIU) does cardiac (heart), pulmonary (lungs) and vascular (leg artery) tests.
The MIU is open on Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm Appointments are only by referral. Urgent tests can be requested and they can usually be done.
When you arrive at the hospital for a test, you must report to the front reception desk.
The MIU performs the following tests:
Your general practice team can refer you to the MIU for resting ECG testing, exercise tolerance testing, spirometry, blood pressure monitoring and ABPI doppler testing.
Hospital doctors must refer you for pulmonary function testing, Holter monitors, event monitors, exercise ABPI doppler testing and echocardiograms. Your general practice team can write to them to request these tests.
Appointments: (03) 687‑2233.
MIU nurse or technician: (03) 687‑2758.
Written by the Medical Investigation Unit, South Canterbury DHB. Adapted by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2022.
Review key: HIMIU-306689