HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury
You play an important part of your recovery from a heart attack. After having had a heart attack, you're more likely to have another, so you may need to make long-term changes to reduce this risk.
Making healthy choices can help your heart recover and reduce your risk of a further heart attack and stroke. Changes you can make include:
Attending a cardiac rehabilitation programme has been shown to improve recovery and prevent further episodes.
After completing the course, you may like to join a support group at Cardiac Companions.
Be checked for and keep under control other conditions that affect your heart, such as high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, high cholesterol and diabetes.
You'll be given medicines to reduce your chance of having another heart attack or stroke. You'll be able to stop some of these medicines in time but you'll need to take others for life. If you have side effects or are concerned about your medication, talk to your doctor or nurse before stopping them.
Having a heart attack can be a very distressing time for you and your family. You may find you need help with depression or anxiety. You may also need to look at ways of reducing stress.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Detailed information about recovering from and reducing your risk of another heart attack.
On the next page: Preventing angina and heart attacks
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2021.
Review key: HIHAT-110391