Eating well videos
These videos give advice about eating well. They include tips for choosing healthy foods, the recommended number of servings for different food groups and what a serving is. They were produced by Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Waitaha Canterbury dietitians.
You might also like to read Eating well for good health and Eating well for mood and wellbeing.
Breakfast cereals
Canned foods
Grain foods
Vegetables and fruit
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed January 2024.
The information in this section comes from the following sources, some of which may be clinically complex or not available to the general public
Citizens Advice Bureau – Can I get financial help if I can’t afford to buy food for my family? Retrieved May 2020.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand – Labelling, retrieved August 2016.
Heart Foundation – Heart Foundation Tick (, retrieved August 2016.
Ministry for Primary Industries – Health Star Ratings (, retrieved February 2018.
Image and embedded video sources
Eating well videos from Diabetes Dietitian, Diabetes Centre, Te Whatu Ora Waitaha on Vimeo.
Health Star Rating logo provided by Ministry for Primary Industries. August 2016.
Image of a dietitian talking to a child and their parent provided by Village Health Medical Centre. February 2016.
Image of a man holding a bag of vegetables from Shutterstock (image ID 182342462). June 2020.
Reading a nutrition information panel illustration created by HealthInfo clinical editor and writer. August 2016.
Page reference: 975620
Review key: HIDIN-36726