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HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury

Cancer of the uterus

Mate pukupuku o te kōpū

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The uterus, also called the womb, is a muscular bag in your body where an unborn baby can grow and develop.

Cancer of the uterus is the most common cancer that affects the female reproductive system. It is also called uterine cancer or endometrial cancer. There are several different types of cancer of the uterus.

Cancer of the uterus is usually diagnosed early and treated successfully.

Risk factors for cancer of the uterus

We do not know exactly why some people get cancer of the uterus. But there are some risk factors that increase your chances of getting it. They include:

Symptoms of cancer of the uterus

The most common sign of cancer of the uterus is vaginal bleeding that is unusual or irregular for you. See your general practice team if:

See your general practice team if you have any symptoms that worry you. It is important that any changes are investigated early.

Diagnosing cancer of the uterus

Your doctor will do a pelvic examination. To do this, they will insert two lubricated, gloved fingers into your vagina. They will then press gently on the outside of your lower tummy with their other hand. This lets them feel your uterus, ovaries and other pelvic organs. They may also look at your cervix using an instrument called a speculum, which they put in your vagina.

Your doctor might suggest having a cervical screening test if it has been more than 3 months since your last one.

If your doctor refers you to a hospital specialist, they may do some other tests. These could include a transvaginal ultrasound scan. This is when a specially designed ultrasound probe is put inside the lower part of your vagina. This is done to get images of your uterus, and to check how thick its wall lining is. If the scan shows any changes to the lining, the specialist will take a small sample of cells (a biopsy). This will be done either as a pipelle biopsy or with a hysteroscopy.

Treating cancer of the uterus

If the tests show you have cancer of the uterus, the treatment will depend on the type and size of the cancer and whether it has spread. It may include surgery such as removing your uterus (a hysterectomy). Other treatments may include chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

After your treatment is finished, your specialist will discuss how often you need check-ups. They will also give you information on how to look out for specific symptoms or side effects.

If you have any questions, it is important to discuss them with your specialist. Your general practice team can also give you advice and emotional support.

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Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed January 2025.


Page reference: 58481

Review key: HIEND-30280