HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury
A lipoma is a common, benign (non-cancerous) soft, fatty lump under your skin. It can occur anywhere on your body but common sites are your arms, back of your neck, trunk and thighs.
You may have a single lump (solitary) or several lumps (multiple). They're usually harmless.
Health professionals do not know what causes a lipoma but there may be a genetic link as they can run in families. Sometimes an injury such as a knock to your body can cause a lipoma to grow.
Lipomas affect males and females equally though solitary lipomas are more common in women and multiple lipomas are more common in men. Anyone can get a lipoma at any age but they're more common in adults.
A lipoma is very slow growing, it often grows over several years. A lipoma commonly has the following signs:
Your GP can usually diagnose a lipoma by examining the lump.
Sometimes you may need to have further investigations such as an ultrasound, CT scan, MRI scan or a biopsy.
You do not usually need treatment for a lipoma. If it is causing you problems, for example pressing on a nerve or being unsightly, or it needs removing so it can be looked at under a microscope, it will be removed. This will be done through a minor operation or liposuction.
If you're worried about a lump under your skin, get your GP to have a look.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
This page answers questions like What is a lipoma? Who gets lipomas? and What are the signs and symptoms? It includes photos of lipomas.
An explanation of lipomas, how often they happen and how they're treated.
Information about lipomas, symptoms and treatment.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed August 2021.
Review key: HILIP-136384