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HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury

Keeping your home warm & dry

Kia mau tonu te whakamahana me te whakamaroke o tōu kāinga

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Keeping warmA cold or damp house can affect your health. If you have a Community Services Card (or a CSC-endorsed SuperGold Card) or live in an area deemed as lower-income, you may be eligible for subsidised insulation and heating. Phone EnergySmart on (03) 688-7508 or 0800‑777‑111 ext 4 to discuss your options.

If you live in a rental property or you're a landlord, you should be aware of the new Healthy Homes Standard. These are standards that have been set by the government to make sure everyone in New Zealand can live in a healthy warm home.

Tips to help you keep your home as warm and dry as possible this winter

Get rid of dampness and stop heat escaping

Spread your power bill

Make sure your heating is safe

Other tips

Rheumatic fever is a serious illness that can be prevented by keeping your home warm and dry, and preventing the spread of germs. The following series of videos from the Ministry of Health give tips to help do this. There are nine short videos and they will automatically play in sequence.

There are also English and te reo, English and Tongan, and English and Samoan versions of the videos.

  HealthInfo recommends the following pages

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed March 2023.

See also:

Winter wellness

Page reference: 82705

Review key: HIKEW-49776