HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury
Hepatitis B is a virus that can damage your liver. The virus can cause short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) hepatitis.
You can get the virus from contact with an infected person's blood or other body fluids, such as saliva, semen and vaginal secretions.
Anyone can get hepatitis B but those most at risk are:
There is a vaccination available to prevent hepatitis B. Pēpi get this free, as part of the National Immunisation Schedule. It was introduced to New Zealand in the 1980s, so many adults have not been vaccinated. If you have not been vaccinated against hepatitis B and are at risk, talk to your general practice team.
Tamariki (children) or pēpi who are infected with hepatitis B often do not get any symptoms from it at first. But they are very likely to develop a long-term infection (chronic hepatitis B).
Adults may become unwell 2 to 3 months after they are infected. Symptoms may include:
Hepatitis B usually goes away by itself. A few adults go on to have long-term (chronic) hepatitis B. Some people with chronic hepatitis B can develop scarring in their liver (cirrhosis) or liver cancer.
Many people do not know they are infected and can pass on the virus to other people.
Hepatitis B can be diagnosed with blood tests to detect the presence of the hepatitis B virus or antibodies to the virus. During the early stages of acute hepatitis B, blood tests may show changes in your liver function.
If you have hepatitis B and are pregnant, or planning to get pregnant, talk to your general practice team as early as possible. There are now treatments available to take during pregnancy that can protect your pēpi.
Most people with short-term (acute) hepatitis B infection will not need any treatment. The infection will go away by itself.
Some people with long-term (chronic) hepatitis B may need antiviral medications. These include Entecavir and Tenofovir. Or you may need an injection to boost your immune system called peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys). These medicines do not get rid of the virus. But they reduce the chances of developing long-term liver damage (cirrhosis) or liver cancer.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Information about vaccines available to prevent hepatitis B.
Information about hepatitis, including where to go for help.
This leaflet has information for pregnant women to explain testing for exposure to the hepatitis B virus.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed August 2024.
Review key: HIHEP-49691