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HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury

Foot problems & care in older people

Ngā raruraru waewae me te tiakitanga i ngā pēperekōu

Older people are more prone to problems with their feet.

Common age-related changes include bony deformities such as bunions, hammertoes and claw toes. Your feet could become uncomfortable and painful, decreasing your mobility and independence.

If your feet are painful, swollen or you have foot problems such as corns and calluses, you may benefit from seeing a podiatrist. Podiatrists are health professionals who specialise in foot care, and can help with things like nail care, skin problems or adding padding or support to your shoes to help with comfort.

Problems with your feet can affect your mobility, balance and increase your risk of falling. It's important to look after your feet.

Self-care for feet

You can reduce the risk of problems with your feet by:

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed April 2023.


See also:

Corns & calluses


Page reference: 53644

Review key: HICCA-28239