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HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury

Financial support in palliative care

Tautoko ā-pūtea i te manaakitanga whakamaene

Several schemes are available to help people with the financial impact of long-term health conditions. They include schemes that your general practice team can access. The also include the Disability Allowance and Child Disability Allowance.

You may also be eligible for mobility parking or the half-price taxi fare scheme. As well, the National Travel Assistance Scheme helps people financially who are referred by their specialist to see another specialist and need to travel long distances or travel frequently.

Because people receiving palliative care are often not working, the Supported Living Payment or Jobseeker Support may be available through Work and Income. The Disability Allowance can also be helpful for superannuitants with extra costs.

If you have had a change to your financial status due to illness, you can request a Social Work referral. This can be through Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Hospital services or the Hospice Palliative Care service.

End of life care funding for general practice

This subsidy is available to people who are dying from any condition. It covers most of the cost of that person's general practice visits for the last few months of their life. If you are eligible, your general practice team will apply for this subsidy on your behalf.

On the next page: Controlling symptoms in palliative care

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2024.


Page reference: 74063

Review key: HIPAL-17434