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HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury

After-hours medical care

Tiakitanga ā-rongoā hei ngā wā kē atu


If you or someone near you is having a medical emergency, phone 111 and ask for an ambulance. See Emergency medical help for more information.

If you need medical advice and it isn't an emergency, you can phone your general practice and speak to someone who can help. If you live in South Canterbury, you can call your general practice 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Outside working hours, calls are automatically redirected to a health professional for health advice.

If you do not have a general practice or are unsure if you need to see a doctor, you can ring Healthline on 0800-611-116 for advice.

If you or a family member are disabled, you can also contact the Disability Helpline (phone 0800-11-12-13 or text 8988) for advice and information. The helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (between 8 pm and 8 am, calls are answered by a trained member of the Healthline team). You can also access the helpline using the New Zealand Relay Service.

After-hours health care in South Canterbury


After-hours consultations at the Timaru After Hours Medical Service are free for children under 14 years of age who are enrolled with a general practice in South Canterbury. But there is a surcharge for home visits for children under 14.

Temuka, Geraldine and Pleasant Point

Please phone your general practice and your call will be redirected to an after-hours service.


Please ring the Twizel Medical Centre on (03) 435-0777 for answerphone instructions on after-hours care.


Please ring the Fairlie Medical Centre on (03) 685-8211 for answerphone instructions on after-hours care.


Please ring your general practice and your call will be redirected to an after-hours service.

See HealthPoint for information about general practices and accident & emergency care in South Canterbury.

Rural areas

If you live in or are visiting a rural area, you can also use the Ka Ora Telecare service by calling 0800-252-672 for advice or booking a virtual appointment online.

After-hours pharmacy

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2022.

See also:

Emergency help

General practice teams

Page reference: 67811

Review key: HIAAC-38733