Conserving energy
Te penapena pūngao
Conserving energy is about doing daily activities in ways that leave you enough energy for the things that matter to you most.
There are many simple ways to conserve energy when you have a long-term health condition.
The five Ps of conserving energy
- Pace yourself.
- Position yourself and your equipment.
- Pause and relax.
- Plan ahead for success.
- Prioritise.
Even with a long-term health condition, you can still live a healthy, happy and productive life. Maintaining your activity is good for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Pace yourself
If you notice you're more tired or short of breath than you used to be, you'll need to slow down to get your tasks done. If you rush, you'll take longer to regain energy. If you go slowly and pace yourself, you'll go a lot further before needing a rest.
Do not hold your breath or rush through the task to get it over with. This will only make you more tired or short of breath. If you find an activity too hard, stop and recover then begin again at a slower pace.
Use slow, rhythmic movements and alternate light and heavy activities.
Spread heavier tasks throughout the day, week and month.
When you feel tired or short of breath, use recovery positions to help regain control of your breathing. Lean your back against a wall or tree or rest your arms on a bench, chair back, trolley or something similar.
Keep your arms and body close to the activity you're performing. Carry objects close to your body and organise equipment or food to be within easy reach.
Keep most activities between waist and shoulder level:
- Store commonly used items on middle shelves, between your waist and shoulders.
- Work at benches that are at waist height.
- Use long-handled equipment (for example, long-handled reachers, long-handled pruning shears, a broom, a dressing stick, a sock aid and a bathing brush).
- Bring your feet to you (for example, rest your foot on your knee to towel it dry, put socks and shoes on and tie your laces).
Avoid heavy lifting:
- Use trolleys – push rather than pull, slide rather than lift.
- Let your bigger muscles do the work – squat with your legs, avoid bending your back.
- Divide the load – put less groceries in each bag, just half-fill the kettle.
If possible, sit when you're doing something, as standing uses more energy. Consider sitting while ironing, washing dishes, showering, chopping vegetables, gardening, making a phone call or working in the shed. Use a high stool or chair in your kitchen or at your work bench.
Pause and relax
If you continue to work until you're tired or out of breath, you may take longer to recover. Take regular breaks to rest and recover before, during and after working. Do not wait until you need a break.
- Break tasks up into chunks and pause between each chunk.
- Relax. When you feel worried, anxious or uptight, your body uses more energy. This can make you tired or breathless. Relaxation can help restore energy. Concentrate on relaxing your muscles and slowing down your breathing.
- Make sure you get plenty of rest. Schedule a rest every day and make sure your legs are raised (elevated) when you're resting.
- Make sure you get plenty of sleep at night. Check that your mattress is comfortable, and your head is raised.
- Rest for 20 to 30 minutes after a meal.
Plan ahead for success
High expectations can lead to frustration, so be patient with yourself and set achievable goals. Challenge old habits. Ask yourself, "Is it essential that I do this task in the usual way?" Give yourself time to adapt to new ways of doing things.
- Do the most energy-consuming things at the time of day when you have the most energy.
- Plan for rest breaks and interruptions.
- Break jobs into smaller steps. For example, rather than cut the whole lawn in one go, do it in two or three goes.
- Use a diary or calendar to plan daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Look after yourself first, as it doesn't help anyone if you're tired and grumpy!
- Prioritise your healthy habits, exercise, good food and rest. Do not forget to have fun and stay connected with important people in your life.
- Prioritise your mental health and use the five ways to wellbeing.
- Ask for help or get someone else – such as family members, community services, neighbours, volunteers or friends – to do something for you.
- Asking for help doesn't mean you're dependent, it means you're using your energy to its best advantage. It's better to spend your energy on the really satisfying things.
More practical tips and tricks
- Allow dishes to air dry.
- Use a clothes basket with wheels for getting laundry to the line.
- Use a clothes horse rather than reaching up to the washing line.
- Carry items such as the phone in an apron with pockets.
- Barbecue tongs are useful for picking things up off the floor.
- Keep a slow cooker, electric frying pan or mini oven on the bench for cooking.
- Sit on a stool to shower and dry.
- Use a bathrobe or hand towel for drying yourself.
- Clothes made out of stretch fabric are easier to get on and off.
- Electric toothbrushes do the work for you.
- Use a commode or urinal bottle to save getting to the bathroom at night.
Where to get help
Occupational therapists can help you work out ways to do your everyday activities in a safe, independent and satisfying way. You can talk to your general practice team about being referred to an occupational therapist in the public system.
Or you may prefer to pay to see a private occupational therapist.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2022.
The information in this section comes from the following sources, some of which may be clinically complex or not available to the general public
Queensland Health Statewide Respiratory Clinical Network and The Australian Lung Foundation, COPD National Program. Better Living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease A Patient Guide. 2012.
Image and embedded video sources
Resting in garden image from Can Stock Photo (image ID 1825991). December 2022.
Sitting washing dished image from Can Stock Photo (image ID 93167621). December 2022.
Page reference: 115418
Review key: HICOE-115418