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HealthInfo Aoraki South Canterbury

Anorectal abscess

Whēwhē ki te tou

An abscess is an infected collection of pus in your body. When it occurs near your anus or rectum, it is called an anorectal abscess.

There are different types of anorectal abscesses depending on their location around your anus and anal muscles.

Anorectal abscesses are more common in men than women, and mostly happen between the ages of 20 and 50. These infections can be serious – especially if you have diabetes or reduced immunity.

Causes of anorectal abscesses

Anorectal abscesses sometimes start in a gland located between the two rings of muscles in your anus called sphincters. It happens when bacteria get into the gland, causing an infection that grows into an abscess. It could also start with an anal fissure, from a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or blocked glands in your anus.

Symptoms of anorectal abscesses

Symptoms differ, but you may:

Diagnosing anorectal abscesses

Your general practice team will ask you about your bowel habits and any stomach pain you've been feeling. They will examine the area around your anus to look for swelling or signs of infection. They may need to put a gloved finger into your bottom to feel the abscess.

If your general practice team finds an anorectal abscess, they will refer you to the General Surgical Team at the hospital for treatment.

The hospital team may arrange an MRI scan to find out how deep the abscess is.

Treating anorectal abscesses

If the abscess needs to be surgically drained, you will be given a general anaesthetic. The abscess will be cut open, drained out and the wound packed and dressed.

You may also need to have antibiotics, especially if the infection has spread or you have diabetes or Crohn's disease.

After surgery, you may need to have your wound repacked daily so it can heal. This is usually managed by a district nurse. You should see your general practice team 2 weeks after surgery and again at 6 weeks to make sure you are healing well.

Self-care after anorectal abscess draining

After your surgery, you will feel some discomfort. It is important to have good pain relief, such as paracetamol and anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS) that you can take regularly.

Other things to consider as you recover include:

Possible complications

You could develop a fistula (a tunnel between your skin and anal canal). If this happens, you will be referred back to the General Surgical Outpatient Clinic for follow up and further treatment as needed. This happens in approximately 30% of patients with an anorectal abscess.

In some people, an abscess can recur requiring further treatment.

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Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed July 2022.


Page reference: 52914

Review key: HIARA-13012