HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury
Once someone has died, you are likely to feel all sorts of emotions. Sadness, anger, guilt, relief and acceptance are all normal. Be kind to yourself during this time. Ask whānau (family) and friends to help and accept help that is offered.
The funeral director will ask you to make several decisions. It is up to you to take as much or as little responsibility in how you say goodbye to your loved one as you wish to. Some of these decisions will be:
Planning a funeral or memorial has more detailed advice to help you plan a service.
Grief is normal and time allows us to adjust to the loss of a loved one. Crying and sadness at your loss are normal. The time people spend grieving varies, and there is no right length of time.
Talking with whānau and friends about your loved one can help everyone work through their grief and cope with their loss. But grief is personal and there is no right or wrong way to get through it. This page on grief & loss has a lot of information about what you might experience and different ways of dealing with grief.
Even though people grieve differently, it is important to seek help if you are having difficulty coping. Speak to your general practice team or the palliative care nurse who helped care for your loved one. They will be able to put you in contact with bereavement services in your area.
The Nurse Maude leaflet Bereavement support and grief counselling service has more information about how grief might affect you and what support you can get.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
A national website about hospices and palliative care.
This information guides you through the things that need to happen after someone dies. It covers the first few days through to several months afterwards.
A printable overview of this information is also available on this link in English, Te reo Māori, Samoan, Simplified Chinese and Tongan.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed July 2024.
See also:
Review key: HIWSD-76097