HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury
Call 111 and ask for an ambulance if your child:
When you have asthma, the small airways in your lungs are sensitive. This causes inflammation, which causes the airways to partially close up, swell inside and make more mucus (sputum or phlegm) than usual. This makes it hard to breathe in and even harder to breathe out.
Asthma is common in New Zealand and it can start at any age. We do not know the exact cause of asthma. But it's associated with allergies and it runs in families.
Symptoms of asthma may be triggered by something in the environment or something that you do.
Colds and flu (viral infections) are the most common triggers for asthma in children. Other common triggers include:
Some children only get a wheeze when they have a cough or cold caused by a virus. This is called viral wheeze. If your child has viral wheeze, it doesn't usually mean they have asthma.
Children with asthma may have:
Usually children under the age of 1 year aren't diagnosed with asthma because many of the symptoms (wheeze, cough, shortness of breath) are caused by viruses in this age group. Most children under 1 with these symptoms do not go on to have asthma.
Asthma can be difficult to diagnose especially in young children as the symptoms can be caused by other conditions.
Your doctor will ask about the pattern of symptoms you've noticed such as if they come and go and if they seem to be triggered by certain things. They will also want to know if your child or a close family member has a history of hay fever, eczema or asthma.
Your doctor will listen to your child's chest and check their height and weight to make sure they're growing normally. Your doctor may also suggest:
Many children will not need any tests to diagnose asthma. A chest X-ray may be helpful to check for other causes of cough.
In children over 7 years a spirometry test maybe used. This involves them breathing into a machine that measures how the lungs are working.
Your child may be given an inhaler (puffer) to treat their asthma. The type of inhaler depends on your child's age and how bad their asthma is. See Asthma medications for children for more details.
You can also do a number of things to help your child's asthma detailed on the Helping my child with asthma page.
HealthInfo recommends the following videos
A video about understanding the system through which we breathe (respiratory system) to understand asthma. (1:46 minutes)
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation provides support, information and resources for people with asthma and other respiratory conditions.
Information about asthma in children including its signs and symptoms and triggers.
Information about asthma including fact sheets in other languages.
This information is available in: Arabic, Assyrian, Burmese, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), English, Karen, Persian (Farsi), Somali, Turkish and Vietnamese.
On the next page: Helping your child with asthma
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed July 2021.
Review key: HIASC-12638