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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

What's new on HealthInfo?

He aha ngā mea hōu ki HealthInfo?

11 December

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia – A new page about chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.

Feeding problems in children – New pages about Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) and Paediatric feeding disorder (PFD).

11 November

Full review of the Stomach & bowel section.

6 November

End of life planning & care – Reviewed and updated the section, including Palliative care, Decisions about your life and treatment and When someone is dying. Added new information about natural burials and personal assistance and residential care.

17 October

Breastfeeding/chestfeeding – We've reviewed and updated the Breastfeeding/chestfeeding section. Changes include using gender-inclusive language, adding vitamin D recommendations for babies, and rewriting Medicines, Alcohol, Drugs & Breastfeeding.

9 October

Burns – We've improved the first aid page and separated the information in this section into minor burns and major burns.

Lungs – We've reviewed and updated most of the Lungs section (not including the How to Become Smokefree section). Most pages have had minor changes but Bronchoscopy has been expanded and Inhalers has had more significant changes.

2 October

Tube feeding – The section has been reviewed and updated with improved information about caring for your feeding tube and stoma and improved troubleshooting information.

12 September

General Practice Teams – The pages in this section have been reviewed and updated with current information and page formatting.

How to Get Medical Help – Selected pages in this section have been reviewed and updated with current information and page formatting.

Information for Health Professionals – The pages in this section have been reviewed and updated with current information and page formatting.

Your Health Information – The pages in this section have been reviewed and updated with current information and page formatting.

29 August

Online education for diabetes in pregnancy – The page has been updated with more information about testing blood glucose levels. Information about collecting colostrum before giving birth has also been added.

27 August

Māori healthCommunity Māori health providers and Hospital services Māori health teams have been reviewed and updated with up-to-date information about services and contact details.

19 August

Arthritis & related disorders – The section has been reviewed and updated with the latest information.

17 August

Functional neurological disorder (FND) – A new page about Functional neurological disorder, including symptoms, self-care and treatment.

Post-traumatic stress disorder – A new page about PTSD, including causes, symptoms, self-care and getting help.

Psychologists – A new page about psychologists, including what they do, where they work, their qualifications and training and how you can find one.

17 July

Breast reconstruction surgery and Breast reduction surgery – The two sections have been reviewed, updated and simplified.

27 June

Pacific health – We have updated the Community Pacific health providers, Disability support services for Pacific peoples and Hospital services Pacific health teams pages with up-to-date information.

18 June

Allergy testing – The page has been updated to make the information about skin prick testing clearer.

31 May

Boils & skin abscesses – A new page about boils and skin abscesses, including how to treat them and how to prevent them.

27 May

Teen and young adult health – The section has been reviewed and updated with mostly minor changes. Some Teen and young adult health pages have been edited to make them more general and taken out of the Teen and young adult health section. These are Anger management, Body image, Drugs & reducing your risks from taking drugs, Grief & loss and Relationships.

14 May

Mastitis (inflamed breasts) – The page has been updated due to changes in how mastitis is prevented and managed.

9 May

Online mobility action programme for osteoarthritis – A new page about the online mobility action programme for osteoarthritis that people can participate in at home using Zoom.

8 May

Bowel Cancer, Bowel Polyps, Colonoscopy and Incidental Pancreatic Lesions – These sections and pages have been reviewed and updated with mostly minor changes but added emphasis on the National Bowel Screening Programme.

7 May

Teeth grinding – New pages about teeth grinding and self-care for teeth grinding.

1 May

Eating disorders, Mental illness during & after pregnancy and Getting help for a mental health issue – These sections have all be reviewed and updated with the latest information, including current support organisation details.

23 April

Moisturisers (emollients) – A new page about moisturisers, including what types there are and how to user them.

17 April

Concussion in adults – A new page about concussion in adults, including symptoms and treatment.

Frailty in older people – A new page about frailty, including what it means, risk factors, self-care and getting help.

Hidradenitis suppurativa – A new page about the long-term skin condition hidradenitis suppurativa, including symptoms, diagnosis, self-care and treatment.

26 March

Driving for older people – A new page has been developed with information about driving safely for older people, the medical certificate needed at age 75 and other transport options for people who can no longer drive.

Keeping active – The Keeping active section has been reviewed and tidied up with mostly minor changes.

20 March

Abortion (termination) – The page has been updated with current information. It now follows the process described on the National Abortion Telehealth Service DECIDE website.

11 March

Glue ear – The page has been reviewed and updated. The previous page about diagnosing and treating glue ear has been combined with the main page.


Page reference: 45552

Review key: HIABO-38495