Seizure first aid
There are different types of seizures, most of which last for a few minutes. When a seizure happens, the person may:
- call out
- fall
- start shaking or jerking
- have shallow breathing
- lose control of their bladder or bowels
- not be aware of what is happening around them.
Helping someone who is having a seizure

- stay with them
- be calm
- protect them from danger – remove any nearby harmful objects
- protect them from injury – cushion their head with something flat and soft such as a folded jacket
- take off their glasses if they wear any
- loosen their tie or anything tight around their neck.
Do not
- put anything in their mouth
- hold them down, restrain them or try to move them.
After the seizure
- when the seizure has stopped, lay them gently on their side in the recovery position (see the image)
- comfort and reassure them
- stay with them until they are fully awake and have recovered
- check if they are wearing a medical alert bracelet or pendant.
If this is their first seizure, they should arrange to see a doctor to look into why it happened.
Getting medical help
Phone 111 for an ambulance if:
- they have food, fluid or vomit in their mouth
- they are having difficulty breathing once they have stopped jerking
- the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes
- another seizure follows quickly
- the person is not responsive 5 minutes after the seizure has stopped
- they have injured themselves during the seizure.
If in doubt, seek medical help.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2022.
The information in this section comes from the following sources, some of which may be clinically complex or not available to the general public
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Seizure first aid (https://www.cdc.gov/epilepsy/basics/first-aid.htm). Retrieved June 2019.
Epilepsy New Zealand – First aid (http://epilepsy.org.nz/first-aid). Retrieved June 2019.
Image and embedded video sources
Recovery position illustration from Shutterstock (image ID 181658390). July 2016.
Page reference: 286483
Review key: HIFAD-141030