HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini
Several organisations are available on the West Coast to provide support for families and their children. Contact the following organisations to see how they can help.
Programmes from early childhood to teenage years, including a support programme for parents of teens who are getting into trouble with the law, or are in danger of doing so. Phone (03) 789‑7659. Facebook
Available in Westport, Greymouth, and Hokitika.
Support for parents and primary caregivers. Phone 0800‑366‑878.
Available in Westport and Greymouth.
A social work, counselling and family support service. Phone (03) 788‑8065.
This West Coast DHB service offers the Triple P programme. It gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them confidently manage their children's behaviour, stop problems from developing, and build strong, healthy relationships. Phone (03) 769–7670.
Available in Greymouth and Hokitika.
Support for family and whānau to be their child's first and most important teachers. It provides free, practical, effective help to the family and whānau of children aged younger than 3. Phone 0800‑669‑957 or (03) 755‑5378.
Available in Westport, Greymouth, and Hokitika.
Maori health and social services provider. Phone (03) 755‑6572.
The Ministry of Education's special education team provides an early intervention service for very young children who have special education needs, and their families, whānau and caregivers. Phone (03) 768-2010.
Programmes from early childhood to teenage years. Check the website for what is available in your area. Phone (03) 755‑8700.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
A government directory of organisations in your area that can provide support to you and your family. The directory includes organisations that can provide support in areas such as addiction, legal services, education, ethnic services, family violence, mental health and special needs.
Helps parents to get support from various agencies.
Information provided by the Canterbury DHB. Page created September 2015.
Review key: HIPPR-71581