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HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini

Overview of melanoma

Tirohanga whānui ki te mate pukupuku kiri manauri

Melanoma checkMelanoma is a type of skin cancer that begins in the cells that give your skin colour, known as melanocytes. These cells clump together to make the brown spots we commonly call moles.

Melanoma can develop in an existing mole or can start as a new spot.

Most melanoma are caused by ultra-violet (UV) light from the sun or from other sources such as sunbeds.

New Zealand has a higher rate of melanoma than most other countries. It can happen in adults of any age but is rare in tamariki (children).

Melanoma is serious. If it is not treated early, it can spread around the body and become life-threatening.

Risk of melanoma

You could be more likely to get melanoma if you have:

Diagnosing melanoma

Melanoma is usually found when you check your own skin for new or changing moles, freckles or spots. Use the ABCDEs of melanoma as a useful guideline for the changes to look for.

Your general practice team will check your skin for any concerning spots. They may use a magnifying instrument known as a dermatoscope.

If they are concerned that a spot might be a melanoma, they will remove it and send it to a laboratory for a diagnosis.

Read more about diagnosing melanoma.

Treating melanoma

All suspected melanomas need to be removed (excised) as the first step. Your general practice team may be able to do this.

If melanoma is confirmed, you will need to see a specialist to discuss if more treatment such as further surgery or drug treatment is needed.

Read more about treating melanoma.

  HealthInfo recommends the following pages

On the next page: Diagnosing melanoma

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed September 2024.


Page reference: 851315

Review key: HIMEL-15455