HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini
Between 1½ and 2% of pregnancies in New Zealand are multiple pregnancies, which means having more than one pēpi (baby).
If you've found out that you're having more than one pēpi, you'll have a lot of questions about what to expect, how to stay healthy in pregnancy and where to get support.
The UK website, has detailed information about multiple pregnancy, including the difference between identical and non-identical twins, the different types of identical twins, giving birth to more than one pēpi baby and the risks of having more than one pēpi.
It can help to connect with other families who have multiple births, for support and to learn from their experience. Multiples New Zealand has lots of information and resources about multiple births and the issues you might have while raising twins, triplets or other multiples.
Multiples Canterbury also offer support for West Coast members. Membership gives you access to multiple resources, books, and regular magazines loaded with helpful information.
On the next page: Eating well when breastfeeding twins & triplets
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2021.
Review key: HIPRC-41255