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Medical care guidance plan

Whakamaheretanga manaakitanga whakarauora

When a person cannot make a decision about their own care, other people have to make those decisions for them. For example, if they have dementia or have had a serious stroke. That is when health professionals use a medical care guidance plan.

A medical care guidance plan helps health professionals decide how best to treat that person, bearing in mind what the person would prefer if they could speak for themselves. It is especially important if different doctors are looking after them. For example, if they have to go into hospital.

This plan is different from an advance care plan.

A person creates an advance care plan with the help of their general practice team or other health professional. They do this while they are still able to decide what they want in the future. But a medical care guidance plan is created by a person's doctor (usually their GP). This is done when the person cannot make decisions for themselves anymore and do not have an advance care plan.

The person may still be able to contribute to the plan. For example, if they are sometimes more aware and lucid. But whānau (family) and friends have an important role because they know the person and what might be important to them.

It may take some time and a lot of discussion to decide on a plan for your friend or whānau member.

Information in a medical care guidance plan

The plan includes important information such as:

To help doctors make these decisions, the plan also includes information about the person and what they would want to happen. It suggests:

It is good to talk about the plan with the health professional who is helping your loved one.

Things to think about for the plan

You can provide a lot of information to help your loved one's doctor create the best medical care guidance plan for them. This includes:

Personal beliefs and preferences

Family wishes

Health and treatment

How the plan will be used

The plan outlines what is in the person's best interests. It will follow their wishes if it is possible, clinically appropriate and legal. But some treatments might not be appropriate and might not be offered. The person's carers will talk to you about what is happening as their condition progresses.

Storing and using the plan

The plan is securely kept with your loved one's health records. The plan will be transferred with them if they are moved to a new place. For example, if they have to go to hospital.

The plan needs to be signed by your loved one's doctor. They will only do this after consulting the person who has their enduring power of attorney. So, you should feel safe and comfortable discussing all options while the plan is being created.

Once it is activated, healthcare providers will use it to guide them when they make decisions about your loved one's care and treatment.

If you have any further questions about what a medical care guidance plan includes, how it can help your loved one and how you can contribute, talk to the health professionals caring for your loved one.

Written by Advance Care Plan implementation team, Te Whatu Ora Waitaha. Adapted by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2024.


See also:

Advance care planning

Page reference: 257293

Review key: HIDLT-326665