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HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini

Keeping physically healthy with a mental illness or addiction

Kia hauora tonu me tētahi matenga ā-hinengaro, tētahi waranga rānei

Getting a physical health check-up is a good way to stay healthy. The best place to have this is at your general practice.

If you have a mental illness, this can understandably become the focus of your time with your general practice team. To make the best use of the time, be clear about what physical health issues you want to discuss. See Preparing for your doctor's visit for information about how to prepare.

If you want to, you can take a support person with you to your appointment. Some community support organisations may offer a peer support person. You can also ask whānau (family) or friends.

Your general practice team will talk to you about any health problems you are concerned about. They should also check for health problems that are more common in people with a mental illness.

Self-care with a mental illness or addiction

There are several things you can do to look after your physical health.

Avoid using recreational drugs.

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed November 2023.


Page reference: 803268

Review key: HIPMH-416421