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HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini

Self-care for stress

Tāu ake whakaora i te pōkaikaha

There are many things you can do to help yourself cope with stress.

Realise when it is causing you a problem

Make the connection between how you are feeling and the pressures you face. Take note of physical warnings. For example, tense muscles, over-tiredness, headaches, digestive problems or migraines.

Identify what you can change

Think about what is causing your stress. Work out what you can fix, what will get better anyway and what you cannot do anything about. Focus on what you can change.

Review your lifestyle

Are you doing too much? Can you hand some things over to someone else? Can you take more time to do some things? You may need to prioritise things, so you do not try to do everything at once. Make a list of tasks so you can see what needs to be done.

Eat healthily

As well as affecting our weight and physical health, what we eat and drink can affect our mood. See Eating well for mood & wellbeing.

Try to keep smoking and drinking to a minimum

See How to become smokefree and Reducing your risks from drinking alcohol.

Physical activity

Physical activity can really help to relieve stress. Even something like walking to the shops can help. Talk to your general practice team about a Green Prescription.

Take time to relax

Taking time off now could stop you having to take time off later because you are sick. Find a balance between responsibility to others and responsibility to yourself.

Learn relaxation techniques

These relaxation techniques can help to ease some of the physical symptoms of stress and help you feel less pressured.

Sort out personal conflicts

Continuing conflict with people who are important to you is very stressful. It can increase your risk of getting depressed. This is especially so if you have had a difficult relationship for a long time, and it feels like you cannot do anything to make it better.

Sometimes it can be helpful to ask another person such as a trusted family member, friend or counsellor to help resolve the conflict.

Manage work stress

Stress is often work-related. If work is not going well, you may need to create more of a balance between work and the things you enjoy doing.

People are more likely to feel stressed at work if they feel they cannot control their workload or make any changes. Even small changes can help to relieve the pressure. Could you cut your hours, shift some responsibilities to colleagues or talk to your boss about a difficult situation? Some workplaces offer limited free counselling or mediation services, which may help.

If your work environment is unsupportive, try talking to a close friend or counsellor about the challenges and brainstorm things that could help. Making some of the changes mentioned above might help you cope better with work pressures. People who feel very trapped can often end up depressed or anxious. If this is how you feel, see your general practice team to talk about your options.

Be mindful

Mindfulness meditation helps to reduce the effects of stress and anxiety. It can also help with symptoms like insomnia, poor concentration and low mood. And you can do it anywhere at any time!

Get some restful sleep

Sleeping problems are common when you are suffering from stress. For tips about how to get a good night's sleep see Tips for sleeping well.

Have fun!

Enjoying yourself is one of the best antidotes to stress. Bring some fun into your life by giving yourself treats and rewards for positive actions, attitudes and thoughts.

Keep things in proportion

Do not be too hard on yourself. After all, we all have bad days.

Live a balanced life

Check out the Five ways to wellbeing.

On the next page: Getting help for stress

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2023.


See also:


Page reference: 1137890

Review key: HISTS-111503