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HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini

Tips for using HealthInfo for health professionals

Using the HealthInfo card

Think of a simple keyword or phrase to write on the HealthInfo card. For example, "diabetes", "cholesterol", "ingrown toenail". If possible, go to HealthInfo and search for the keyword yourself to make sure that it brings up the right information.

Your patient can go to HealthInfo and search for the keyword to find information relevant to their condition.


Ordering more cards

To order HealthInfo cards, flyers and posters, email the West Coast Community Health Information Centre.

Finding information on HealthInfo

If you're looking for information about a specific condition or topic, use the SEARCH box at the top right of this page. Type a word or phrase into the SEARCH box, then click the GO button. You'll see a list of pages that match your search term.

If you know what subject you're looking for but aren't sure what search term to use, try using the A-Z list of topics. Click the A-Z health topics link in the green bar at the top of this page, click the appropriate letter of the alphabet, then click the appropriate subject in the A-Z list.

If you want to see what topics are available on HealthInfo, you can browse using the table of contents at the left of this page. Click the section you're interested in. For example, Keeping healthy. Then select a topic from the list of topics. For example, Being smokefree.

Printing information to give to patients

To print any HealthInfo page, click the Print icon that's at the far right of the page title.

For general pages, clicking Print opens your browser's print window and allows you to specify which printer to use, the range of pages to print and so on.

For patient information leaflets, clicking Print opens a PDF file that has been properly formatted for printing. You can print this or download it to your computer.

Emailing information to patients

Find the information on HealthInfo using the search box at the top right of the page and go to the page. Click the envelope icon in the HealthInfo page's footer (under Share HealthInfo). This will create an email with a hyperlink to the HealthInfo page. You can enter the patient's email address and send them the link.

Information in other languages

See Health information in multiple languages and New Zealand healthcare system.

Sending feedback about HealthInfo

You can send us feedback about the content on HealthInfo or tell us about content that you would like to see on HealthInfo. To do this, either click the blue Send us your feedback button at the top of each page, or click the contact HealthInfo link at the bottom of each page.

You can also send an email to You can't attach files to HealthInfo feedback. If you want to send us an attachment, email it to

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed September 2020.

See also:

How to use HealthInfo

Page reference: 672598

Review key: HIIHP-148325