Suicide warning signs
Ngā tohu whakatūpato i te mate whakamomori
If you are worried that someone may be thinking about suicide, there are some warning signs that you can look for. If you recognise these signs, take action .
Very serious signs
Saying they want to die or kill themselves. Saying "I cannot bear to be alive" or "I do not want to be alive anymore". Gathering items that can be used for suicide. For example, stockpiling medication or buying a gun or rope. Spending a lot of time talking about, reading, drawing, writing or listening to music about death and suicide. Accessing content about suicide online. Other signs to watch out for
Depression .Isolation. For example, not seeing friends or joining in whānau (family) activities. Feelings of shame, rage, hopelessness or guilt ("my whānau should not have to put up with me like this"). Increased drug or alcohol use . Previous suicide attempts. Making a will, paying off debts or giving away personal items. Unexpected behaviour. For example, leaving a job or changing personality, sleep patterns or appearance. Increased stress such as a relationship breakup or losing a job. What counts as stress depends on the individual. Suddenly seeming calm or happy after they have been depressed or suicidal. HealthInfo recommends the following pages
On the next page: What to do if you think someone may be suicidal
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers . Last reviewed December 2023.
The information in this section comes from the following sources, some of which may be clinically complex or not available to the general public
Mental Health Foundation – Suicide prevention , retrieved May 2020.
Image and embedded video sources
Image of a person lying awake in bed from Shutterstock (image ID 662022781). October 2020.
Image of a sad woman being comforted from Shutterstock (image ID 281520965). June 2015.
Losing someone to suicide video from the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand on YouTube.
Warning signs for suicide video from the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand on YouTube.
Page reference: 48716
Review key: HISUH-48714